HomeMy WebLinkAbout220282002030 V..r File No. NAME of OWNER ""''l9?9 .i'" ~2~0322 Chester B. Richards ,17 k7-'//.i ~k~ 8, (:d/M,L,J -"03: 10'1%.19' ,;~ ~. '/4 /L L-" d y...1 o,,,u t- .'. 0\...1 NUMBER OF ACRES TImber UnImproved Improved TOTAL 7~_ tI H . " ,;;;.) / f~1 17N loa jg'd.-I /9..:1.1 It;::;.../ 1-- ---' -I--- i I LOY SEe, f- u BlK. TWN. CONTRACT TO '.... ,-,' I \_ o,,,u DISTRICTS.J / .:;..1}' Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD .....3..:3Q.5 ~l.lb. L s P4 ~ ~{ L M.s2....3... .!i.. L JL In"'D --- -- ------ 1--- ---1--- 1----- - .-.. - ..- - -- --- ,~~ .::. -'""'!~ VALUATIONS --. V Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements (Buildinq~l SALE PRICE! " : 1'0. B. of E. VALUE )1-f,;J.S C Lf93'1~ I..:1D ~/"O I ~4S I 0 35'.:?'1o g<j5gS- '/73<1..< 7/)~so //939.$"" , .. . l .,' RGE. A:ij:{ff3qam - -, -.,..,.,.: _.-. -....' ""'-'- ~. .. .'- c< ; , '. " ~ ,..-/~I .I , T~---rr-- ,- ,~ .'-C .~ ~ L ~,-. i - (' T lw. kJ.lfu.CA . ~~~~~~~ Tr. 3 of Lot 2 Desc. as fellows: Bgn at the }~ cor. ef the swt I~t, Sec. 28-20-2, thnS. 300' along said l sec. line to the pt. ef bgn., thn S. alfung the said t sec. line to the S~ c~r. thereof, thence E. alon~ the S. line of said i sec. er said t sec line extended te the V.L. rf Tetten Ir~let; thn Nbly along said N.L. 300' thn in a NWly directien in a straif~t line tc pt. of Lgn; all in Gov. Lot 2 Ex. the plat of the Town of Arkada, in ~ec. 28-20-2 J '.<."'~ .\:;t._-~~.>- -..' - _~_'__ _---""'.~_"._.,____,...~O___ __ - ,'''-''-~ ~.;. ~'Ex. Trs. 3-A&3-B'3c.' -3.,]) ~ I