HomeMy WebLinkAbout220282002000 DISTRICTS /5' C" SALE PRICE :3~~p;t:=1 L~ ~/;2~1; ~ + -n= P'. .33,;l /;;;"""0, .., r fI'--.5::?;ZY ~ 13LJ/JD... ;l<-o('/3,rd Yeer n?1:,~.'7 CONTRACT TO NAME of OWNER 52 143978 Earl Allen Carr et ux 4' '1 . I r '" (u ...21L /?c, ~9' /.I)",. J_ \, it" \' (. ^', - In t/ ~tJK~.j-O, d.:l JI: 1'1 ~Wll/T.,;?o. ~ ~ ~ k ~/l J ~.#;./ r-7/J 1-1'1J'9'b :/?'/JJ!;7yOo /0",- ,j) h..?//;/l,...) / iff!) [J .J?) --f----- X'f .L 3.4;L"l.![..b..1f- ----- ----~ ----~ .~~ 1 I I t NUMBER OF ACRES - '- VALUATIONS v Yeor Oystor TImber I Unimproved '7:? /'1 !!L 1!L ~ 7.."- 7,,;, 7/ .11 1~ 7X - Ef.. , &/ So 86 -- LOT BLK. ~ - '- , am, TWN. Il$. . . . '..,~~~ ,~ I " .. , - L I I .1/ 9 t, .6:57 /1." % Improved ImprQvemlnts (Buildlnljll) Oyster TImber UnImproved Improved TOTAL ~, , B. of E. VALUE /51a...e- /.bI /') , /$1/;).0 :;l..9S3;C> ~5.Y?o tt 0.;1.0 -b 3(J~0 J.5R.:2o ..,.q.<rd. ,/5370 StJ.;la ~ .3a.:J.o ".... ,-- ,". '. ) I.-~ .f7~ ~ - - ! L i! '/ ..5 {) (:;, li..."1 i) f',~(') ') .Ji 5C,; . 3 S '1 so Ie l! <0 ' ]lu' .. - I '1<{ i. bel :--.? L(:/~ Pe,1..) ',r S' 7[( .-+1 , -- -" <7 I, \ (, q;'r.. X7,JrJ (] ;(5(,,,c 3',~'i[;(; .I. ',> " S'7C!c --6 I ~ ''i^~~OL31'101f) " ............' ~i..' <\"....:. /,L......-:: -..... -.:; ", _ __....J ;i .' / I" :r, cl '" - (r-,' ,,' 7:JO I 1-'/.6/0 i 8700 ~ .' I " ~ .~'.-<. -~.~.,~'.....~, ~,,-AI ."~,~, Tax 639-B O.L.'s in front of Lot 2 except in front of Plat of Arcadia and in front of Tract of Tract 3. Corrmencing at the NW =rner of sd Cbvt Lt 2; th S a1g the W line of Cbt Lt 2, 300' to the NT =rner of a tr of alnd =nveyed. to Chester B. Richards by deed re=rded in Vol. 65 of lEeds, pg 235, AF#80323; th SEly alg the NEly line of sd Richards tr to the SEly r/w line oc: the Shelton-Arcadia Rd being POB; th NEly alg the SEly r/w line of sd Co. Rd 100' + _ to the SW1y corner of a tr of land conveyed to M.E. Ballinger & wife by deed re=rded on Reel 15, Frarre 720 under AF#205698; th SEly alg SWly line of sd Ballinger tr 1650' + - to the rreander line; th SWly alg sd rreander line 160' + - tap thereon 300' NEly from an inter- section of sd rreancler line and the S line of sd Cbvt Lt 2 extended. E (sd point being NE cor of sd tr conveyed to O1ester B. Richards); th NW'ly alg NEly line of sd Richards tr to POB; K:CEPl'ING therefrom any ptn thereof as may include tidelands; ALBO all that ptn of a tr of 2nd cl tidelands suitable for the cultivation of oysters, including Reversionary right therein conveyed. by the State of Washington to IDuisa Williams and Adam williams 9-21-03 under App #2908 by deed re=rded. in Vol 12 of Deeds, pg 471, AF#13695, which lies between the NE1y and SW1y lines of the above described tr of land e,ctended. SEly across sd oyster land tract. -.'f,.~ .:0." ,,~-;-- ...-...,-............- ..... * Arcadia Tracts 1-4,5 * Tax 639-B-l & B-2-8,3 I Year \ OY$ter 51---,-- C,.L__ 5' ~ i;;... s3 g3 2fL , (,,1 -- --~- . NUMBER OF ACRES Timber I Unimproved I Improved ----- TOTAL Oy"" /1 i,:' 5.57 ,/ 7,~ c,~1 r ------- -.--- ----. ------1-- I I : I I ! -. - VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved I Imprl;lved lmpronmenh B. of E. (I"ild!nc;') VALUE I ! ,-' i ----.-.---.------------- ------- --- nn _____ _.---1_ --e-- l....:..-;- L....... _ 00?00 777tiO /1/()7lJO ~::l &';'0 ~ .:<~ xO(') !,,05iOut' 799M /!o1tJi' J :z:: Cd -:T ;Z .;L:? 00 bD~OO 799()() '''to/cO d::l!POQ -er- dJ;:}.8'OC! t,/lPOO 79'JdO /"10700 I I I_~_ ___.==l t-' -.'.>~. -'~ "