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Year File No. / NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO Or~TRICTS / g :;... . <;2 91128 ~:~..o~~ An';" /;';'O</pI TV R~' .; PO" ;.:[; J....2 p ;,;c,/;{ /6*;;' (Vj7- ) &-, J::. Jlu 3/{./ flit 'rL! ..i'..1~....f:.ft ,~, c;C.,~6r=z.oc>C'iLff~N~.e..ci;er;'< .. ~ /77 334089 M & S Partners.lQ. r,/l(7) __ d-'~u~l'- 11 J1 i/iib t/5/J'J';;J. CJUIhJ~/J' 7f..,,~-d"d. N " SALE PRICE' - Of.3i?7 11'4163' $75000 p,c.., / ( ._n NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL OYlter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenu (Bulldlngl) B.of E. VALUE s-~/ J2.- t.re. ~ fta ~.;L 1:11' b'4 17 72 83 125 0.:t!i~ st.- <:. ..J~E /.3 ?7 13.7+ 'iJ ;:;;; j~ ~t?eo 37SO 330 J?7tJa /" t:, rJ /7~t? - ;li~ ::WG;-e> 1;9000 2,$?.?'1'" .8.g..5..0J. ~()~S'b -~</j-' /J .-,e:- ~ 5;' c.. "/ / S (;1,/ .5 2::'. , 2. ~ /00'-- ,3,oliPt!); 37st:, 9tJ.31J . /cfa{,o .;l 'It? oa .:lfJBJo .57'01<:)0 :2.1500 99";;0 Qlotb9:5{ e-.: - ;2$% ~'/7 g,~t. .:~~3~:: LOT SEC. BlK. TWN. RGE. -' . ,-".,;<_ t") '~O:~&'j;6~'l . ..~.,t.LlL....,.,,__ ,,_,._.M"~'~_~~_'2~ . The N 1100' of Govt Lt 5 as measured along the Eline thereof 26-20-2W,vI.M., EXCEPTING therefrom road rights of way. .------ -,~-=.,---- -r."-- ---. EXCEPT Tract I of GL 5 ~/ c=? :::; ;;;'/</'7.3 .71- j/ '/3 -~ ~..7J-';;-;J2 ~e... 1/-5~ ~ (2~ tu .s~ ~) //';)'" ( ~l"" u I . , "' " ,.., ('"'{'; ,., C) I-~ " ~