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V.;--FU. No -'I-~--'-~'_.'--- NAME of OWNER ___ ;:-"", -.,,~-,",/--j._~.i-,I ~//""~/'_..' ~., "58B3_,_~ c__~ I~~M 7~ """7_4.L_C!asS-.-F'-'ro~+ RrW Rd V; Q ,., 38:1-31'- -.4. c.3.06A36-:JD- , , 351"155 ,'J1"17$ 6X!/) ...LLL Q..321.6ll _____ _6LI _.3.300].4... CONTRACT TO I ^ ___, ~ , ,--- R F Betty .J.ame sA. .Al.lc 'n .....~. --.o'\~ ~- ,-' ~,~.~.. ~ 1f2"1/%~(;1-1 ~L-"r-" 'VI,J;,1 .Jid(~.) 1/ " 1%._ ~1/ -/K..J:' 14i"'-" jj ;:;;;,~ . I ..~~,_. .---."::: ..- NUMBER OF ACRES .. ------'-"--,-- --" -- --- Year I Oyster Timber /)~ CLA~~ ~,; 33 141 RE/V!< "",,~ Jf:...frJE H ,n_ U"improved Improved s;oo 5,00 5. DO ..5. Cl <.J e_ >-. ---.-.,--- -1----,------ -~e_-- LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. _ 40t .Surve~ TOTAL I I I Oyster DISTRICTS /f'() Rd. Sell. 11.?rf PUD I fPO I I I 'In~ '8'1/, fo-' 'I'i , _I-l .J b 1-- if ,,-,, n I k . _. _.~.:_:c....~',...___ ,:~,. VALUATIONS Timber U"improved Improved ~(PO .3.t;",{, (~ 600 /7t:G'" . I , ...l._ l~~ 0 ~ if..1I' : If\ .-W1 I-f"IfJ I , -.-- 2/123 --' '-"~ '_....,~ !mprovem'/lts {lIuildi"9S1 .., SALE PRICE ~~~8M (~ggb6 jg~6B3 10/ dF757~ "It /7/3(,- WD #<?=z.c: t!)~.I) t,.6'0 B. of E. . VALUE :200 3.5n-o ,L.50b / ') MIJ - . '. ",;,.." "."...-.,-; ...'"':..... .....'... "l-,,:-.","_._~,~-". ._~<..:,,,,,,,"~":"r'/~,--:'&.~,,,, ',,'........' .,-"_0' s-'~:u!" ....- .. '. .' The west half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the quarter of Section 24, Township 20 North, Range 2 West, W.M., records County, Washington, excepting road rights-of-way. northeast of Mason Formerly Tract 4 of NE\ .."!: .~ -~--_. .~~-- , .- -- -----~ -~ ,- -.-. ."._-~ --~- --:.:7 =---=::, ,_.,::-;:,::.~ :--- ~,:;, I ' < --- .-C,_. " .: