HomeMy WebLinkAbout220234490030 I?J~.;s'J^1 "l..;'1, ~....F~e ",NC;;,,j 67 l1.1'70,(? cji&f7~.:,- 7/:t 3J3533 ~tj 31/-5 c 35 !1-p ;;b;;)()}.C I f,f3 J/2-f ,).;)0 ----- I CONTRACT TO __ _~~TR~CT~,e;< __ ~ALE PRICE 1"., I Rd. 5ch. !Port IPUD~I I i Elizabeth McElroy Allison .Thacher etal 1 30 3 I~, L H j)"" '.I t2 ~uAJ J~ /5oV &~rtJ~_1.!-5 ~ II ..,-/ 11--' ~--1-~ :='7bJ'T- ?Etf~..J:, (o&'oLJ'''- 1-71 AJj '_ h'~"" //':;"'000_ ~ Q. (&,~ i~t I J~-"'~tliJ _,tR.,J/fI6OO I fin 15 c ]1;1,0" '1"" ~~ J I f_ ;;,~:o~ , , I I I I I 11-- ~l :-1 ~=---- I ' u_ f------..- .__~_.. ___ ,--, n, ',- I ~--,-+ , , I NAME of OWNER.' I 'I' #8073 $36000 _ e=:-c-" ,- " , -,.----.. --' -'-"'~-"~-, "'-':':.'..~-' i NUMBER OF ACRES I i __ ,__~UATlONS Year Oyster : Timber i Unimproyed: lmpr;:;ved TOTAL : oyste~l Timber ! Unimproyed: Improved : l(b~ildi~ge~)h I ~AlfU~.. _ J4J..L'Z'J!L',_ .5; DO ~r~_jJJ9", _f-~L___t.,a_i.f~~1 :~~O ~it.l!tL _____ ~ dt1 5>1(~ (fj.LU'r-- - _ I .L90 ' ...2~ 2j~J.J:_ .z;~:lt:J .5:aN) '*0(, /-J,::lt. ,- I 3J?(L ~fi1l /2230 ;; ,4<0 1{oo 9,.gG, ~&.. LL.o/5o /o/S"o I?~ hc:' 0 .2,..tJc, ELfJ.() ~~ (J __.5L.;;L I.;uhdl .__~tJlt) _ t2l1~~a S,df.'Z -1.:19 I.".t, t. J ~CL" /'/<i/l L3..,S5' :t9iP Z :21:7/0 a-s-ooa 377/CJ ! .:;:oc. /. (r. i / "MQ /".5P<L9_ ;.11 ;;.,. I 117 V ,~iJv',]" A {,', / '1/(~L5 "'-/(e5 /.-'/1 I I I .- 4 ,~ ;Ii, 00 r> d h 0 t2Q... -'J Vuoo;5C;7{)0 ;(3700 3;5(;0 7<:( I/J/\ //7660 f( f3 , I ___ _01 ~ol;f.1lJ.)~9q~ .' .. .-,- "'- "'-','- '-'-'-. --.-."" ;',-.-,.', -." . .-, ". " , -f-u---. LOT SEC, BlK, TWN. RGE, .~ .~ '~~I"'~ .,~ That part of Covt Lot 2 lying Sly Of a line running S 71"'201 W from a point on the E line of said Lot 2, N 0.14'48" E 810.41' from its SE corner. 1f,7?5y;7A&-~ ~ (Tr 3 of SP 426) I ' All that por of G L 2, Sec 23-202W, W.M. in Mason Co. Wa. desc as follows: Conmencing at the SE cor of sd sec; th N 00014'48" E 270.13' alg the E line of of sd G L 2 to the true pob of this desc tr; th N 00014'48" E 135.07'; th S 780 17'24" W 714.44' to the meander line; th S 27009'10" E 100.00' alg sd meander line to a pt which bears S 81023'29" W fran the true pob; th N 81023'29" E 660.80' more or less, to the true pob. Except public rds if any E-0bJL- 335/11-15 -,. '.... .._~ ---.,..,...,-. .- -"___0' -_~~~-"~; ~~~:-:~'.: .p~ J~1/~ 'rf1 P;V8 ~ CULv .337 jilt 0 ff'-r If L ~1f{iY C !J)) L FE' I~I'I/! I:: HJ~:'c e #C;1~-& 3(., e; f9'/' L ," r",' ~ ~/) / 1_,/ . (J.u;) ') ,/ , , r_(, ',' ~r, \.. Ir6 L.~,-':.~ /1 ..----.......",. -~