HomeMy WebLinkAbout220204400010 . Y.., FlI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO ~ "","'" /36 SALE PRICE 60 8<;6<;8 Warren L. Madden et ux -: r- ,,-r1; Rd. ; P'~ : F~: L S P. #15995 ~"" 'lPd/"'!_ I-- ,-,' ;7"" n LJrl. ~.3.....!:L.L J:L 7{Jy//"- CLASS. FORESt 7:::- . ~)5 ..y);{" I -,: . '- BCW 8U:I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- . ......- . "._"..~ .... "'-"',1' - ---- . .' . ..' .. ..~~ - ' .- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS B"f~~- Y... Oyd.r Tlmb.r U"lmproved Improved TOTAL Oylt" Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Improvlmenh (BuildIngs) VALUE !e" /..-.63 l,{,3 915" '19' 6/ (", '-3 - (",.63 r'.Mz- "':2:3 'l?.5 9'95"' - I...L; ::J.." ? t"tA ,F,-1;:' ,,:20 'f95f- /~/S- U, ~ ::l~ / .:Jsl5 /:no - ,'7,., .:.,,9 ~.~3 51 ,'?:z ;;; -& +- /77' .t/t) 1!t- i ,. ~ 3S'Y9'C> ~RO ~ C~~~ ~?~ES'1 ~ t.3 ~L.M ;t5.5' ,;;[Ss- 7(; -. .:i g 5- dC'S- ~ 3"-1-.';- 3 '-f :7 -;Jt:,o 3{;,0 .2i t-,t3 &.(",3 .34/) 3',/0 .2tL 3~5 3t,~ 'iff ~/l &-l &, . t~ _~. Sp.;"" ~ .-.,- .. " ' '- .. J?.J- ~BB8'r "Its .<f 10.5 f3 {,,{,3 /.63 1fo '190 LOT BLK. . - SEC. TWN, ROE. :~:.2.:a~41- , - . ' ' , .'-. -'. . .C_.>. r..,~.- , ' . , Tl!~t p.!lr~:f---Wv'17--1::ro-t--5-1y-i-ng-W-'ef'--e-li'cl-es-e-ribed aD fello-,m: Beg at a fjeiHt eH l~fie beElo'een Deco -2G-- Be 2'), 500' VI, mope ep 'l:e06, ef. eerHep eeffiffiOfi' / to ooco 20 &, 21; t:l Dr 30045' E 367.2' to poi~B--IIle-ander liRe '_:flieh io Eft- N boundary of Lot 5, S 720~5' w 327', more er leoo, frem meander eerRer 'bctlo'cen oeeo 20 &, 21 on S onore of H3.lllJlleroley' 0 Inlet. CORnECTED DESCPIPTIOlJ: That rart of Govt Lot 5 lying W of oline describe~ as follows: beg at a point on line betv:een sees 20 & 29,487.7' TN.; nlOre or less, of corner" CaDman to sees 20 & 21, 22 ~ 29' thence N ~5 v' E 2".1'; thence N 1656' E 1~(',8', more or less, to " point on ffi'cnc1er line, ."hich is the N boundary of Govt Lot 5, S 72"45' W, ~27', nore or le~s, from me':nc'er corner between sees 20 &: 2] on S shore 0f Ibe:mers]ey's Inlet. , " . Tax 262G-7: That portion of Tax 262-Gas follows: , Ely side is bounded by a line running in a Nly direction parallel 'to the common section line to sections 20 & 21 and through a point on the meander line ~26.861, more or less, S 72045' W of meander corner and bound- ed on the Wly side by a line running a Nly direction parallel to Ely line and through a point on meander line i76.86', more or less, S 72045' W and S 88015' W 517.44', more or less. -.-~-,_. I I I I I I I I I II . '. C:,gt) NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ImprOJemmts B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE M- CLAS F ? l :3 t,,(,3 '-115 'IrS- '-H,' ,;c,. :;; ,.', ..c. -. ' ~