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"'\ FIl. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I?/ SALE PRiCe Rd. Seh. Port PUD FPD * , - / <;;:> ~ l,(" . (f./L 1,. SF , wr: w /1 Roy Decoto 1 3.Q.\! ~ 3- .l.L 'f"o-o--,;) , - 19 '. , )f-4-7 ~ 0 u /7t'7f;%. J~r,.J 0--- oM 1- - ':;'7 /ltf:l5o Il' . li1"A. , dJ,;;. ;;, .iL 5 L ffi " f /,~ " /I ~(j I/X2/:ri" \ .t, ,/; h, .A, II F-7~;(.'11.--" - - '" L~ -/' . ::::: ~7 / if.? ?c 2~:~;f; Irn~/ n " - - - - , ~ /tU'~~ - - - - - - ".. '1d/f71/1 :l ,~ fl, J /6Y';;,f' - ;.t!f;'1 - - - - - - ";-::11,3 7 "hI 1,51'1{.. I: / - - - - f'h/., 13:<1,f/X) tjl u:A~ ~,d/vJO /,1 . , " C --'-., ? , - - - - ~ 1./#'1/</ J",~~~ <<t.kIz' J.. / -1;. 01/<(/( 0, YO} wop - - - - - WD CI - - - - - - - - m_. --'~~---- ---------~--------------- - -------.,- ~~---_:: -----_:_--;;~~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS , 4:,.,FC; Year Oyster Tlmbu Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenu B.of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE A'7 J/ ~o 3 ..:Pl- Sb /pJi'O t 0 1340 57 '1:'1, 'J s?A: 1 3/. .5,:) ...., :::./j.L-- {) c2.30 /r:l r//) h'O /57() ....:1' '" 0 '-..... /~ :::J ,b.o. '. " .;J'7,e~ 7t90 ,3'1',.$", -&-=-' .:2 .ff~' 1,1 ,:)0 .1/ CJ tJ-- . ~4. ~ ~O ~,p; :U.3('; ~ ~4J'" 0 ~,~tJ~ ,f~"" ~ ?% 7'/3 tJ /E:2oo /7S3tJ 1:12 . !If' C,/$..~ /3:200 /9'900 .5'/S 173 30:;- ~3,;6 f'lfbe; ~"~5? '11 ~ ~% /:J.$b 3j' (,tM -'F , 5"0 I" S~'-/tD ~/ .J "- 71? ,;zg. I ., /" .37 3cfSu 13tif'fl7 /y,g'f 1tJ g,3 /t"OI=f,r, Ic, Q 130 - LDT BlK. --~.__. SEC. TWN. RGE. . I oj...,. a 0 , .~. , ..,~ .- ..... ,--- ~ ,- ',,"'-'--'~-'~ '-.'- j..:-.-- , -~_:>.~ <!"..., Tax 842, App 7943 All tl of the 2nd c in front of lot 4, Sec. 19-20-2 with front of 23.28 lc mil measured along the ml "1 \ . - ::.:!e-. --- -....-". -.- - ~ -_.__.---,-!'-~---- .a;~ WO!, . (' -L. ... -.it ~ r ~/ , T~';~,'<7 , , c DISTRICTS Yg, File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PAIC~ Rd, Soh, Port PUD FPD - - - - <:;2 "F :2.317 E. Geo. Ashbaugh J. 13Q5 ~ l ..k ...k. SF ~ t,{., 1;1,j,tb6 ? ! .lrJ () " 18-,,': o.55S/, - - 6- < os-/'} !y.,'J, ?71" In , ""GW/ G - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----~~~~~~~--------------------~~::~---~~:~----~-------------------~--~----~:_--~~~---- , '. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyder Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenu B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE $" /J4I/ I,), '-1-1 /ro--tP Igdd ~c. ~ 2~5h ~ ;25C:l (pI G:c;/ 5:11 .flf; ,J"t/~ 7) ,,--::.-- ,- ...",-- - . LOT BLK. r":- . , SEC. TWN. RGE. , [ 1 : ~ , : , : : . ! 0 . -~. -~.,'- - . , , - .,-~.- "..(// c ,c ;. /JJ , " '- <;,." ) }! 4/;'7 , _. k , p ~-, c.:; ~ t" , " , " , , , a.....