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--;::;r-~-r-----'--- NAME of OWNER -~ONTRACTTO DISTRICTS )/ SA.LE PRICE Rd, 1.!~,;..I12!!.. PUt?-1 fPO 1 I " -1--- 52 LYAL O'DELL I 300 S 3 I L sfp - ----.------0 1-- ~ - ...J&_ icL25.2..1_ .......M8EJ..OO.1 E H O'DELL 402 - - I-- --- ---- l...... 4"2 c: " 5 L I-l - .....6..5 F.O GoI.d..shu ~- '" 11486 - - ~,6B_ _.234L9.6_ e ,E.v.ere.:tt. n ('~ Inch" 0+ IIV {;O{) #11431 12D... _338465_ _--Lt.er::.ett_.D-:J.~~n~ " "~I ~_h" t -- --,-- . , '" ~,t" NUMBER OF ACRES 1 I VALUATIONS t,. J" .). Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL 1- Oyder Timber Unimproved Improud Improvement. B. 01 E. (BuildinQ') VALUE 26... --'-- -- ,7. ~/ -Y."dd I ~')1. <::; / dO 10d 14'''-00 hi/") /A ~<o"i~i'~ 77 Au, , .y (/ cJ /.J> ,9'/"u s/..YV () //)Qq.? CJ9.c;1 cf..!,cd ~79oi) Zl 7' <:2-101 9,oc) J..3,ol "b"'/d /-/..:1".;)- .tjJ-2~~ E_ 1../059'" .:? L/'1cu' ~S'''I7S -- - -- - -- - -- I- -,- ---- - ---- ------ "-. - - - - I i lOT BLK. I i-.2l'jl()l.~~ ILtll):r II (J SEC. TWN. RGE. iI_~~,."- . .' 18 20 2 TRACT I of SE 1/4 SW 1/4 ._,_..'-_-......~;..,.J_~~.'".;: ,.~-' "..,:,-," " .....-...... '. -',- . .'~ , ,- ~,'"""'-"..~-.""""...~.,~'- ,-: \" PARCEL: bgn at the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter; thn North 532' thn East 820'; thn South 532'; thn West 820' to the point of bgng. PARCEL: bgn at the Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter; thn South to a point 532' North of the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of section; thn East 613'; thn North to the North boundary I ine of said Southwest quarter of Section 18; thn West, along said boundary I ine, to the point of bgng. PARCEL: bgn at the Quarter Section corner between Sections 18 and 19; thn West 500' to a pi Ie of stones, thn North 871' to a cedar stake with a pile of stones around the same, thn East 500' to a cedar stake from which a cedar 15" in dia bears South 16.5'; thn South 871 to the place of begng. --' ... .......-:::--~. , ..;;" ~ ~ I YNr FII~ !'II).=, _ _ NAME of OWNER 'C-'7 'W"-/53-71J?LJ CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /7' 0 Rd. Sch. p", PUD ~- sJp SALE PRICE' ~? Rov Simmons 144972 Clyde A. Simmons . <54 1h.~ 'f" 'f _ ~.,(. ~ j SI/. 1~-,il-f'1l .J,h11.d.~ m ~'" .c-nJ..1 ,/...~ ,it ~ '''''''',~ ~ t:v. 'j/ / Yell'JL V !~. n ,_, .59,?: L1 -#- (; t/ (0;( 1'13.5{. 'MI!{l,.... n h ,yp_...;} 1,.'.'- A;' ~t' /1' 1;1.<:1_, 'h" CJw ~ J./.;'/7, ~;; /1 / / --"'-1_ d /;)'3 9J'l ~5~ ""/(j :3,9 ..,-' . 6:{" .::l//;lF:< ,p'~n...-' ~""'_" ..A.-_ / b n ~~ ef7';; f1v. 'ir ~ ~J' /l, ~ 6J.;;J~-;Y?~ ~ /JJ- ~/d ./) T.-. n~ Z!:: ----4IIt~~"_C_c---::--~~-----------------~~---------------:~:7~--~-:--~~--~-~~---'~--"- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS 1 3QQ..2_ 3- _.lL tloJ. ____ ///'N "/,-2 " ,.:J?""~,t. I-- --- ,r .s.--.1. I 1/ ~ ../. d\, /.7 --- 1'(/ .~ '- ) rr:.~.<3,/ ""/J! 7',:> Year Oyst.r Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy.ter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE s:\~ ~I 0 ~O /CcJ ~ - '-fe,tW 'fo,t) 0 c:A..Od ~ Cl <:.' 1;7 ..yIlt) () '?' c/. () cl ,3'JtJ 3,00 5i_ I~C. tJ() 1/,?o,'Lr /':<00 /d tJ{) 7"f' '/ () /bd, 0 0 1/ ::? () /i. 3 (J /~ ,00 /&_1 t.d 17S&) I /7.3tJ k.4, ?~o ~tJo tf .!' /) ~3cJ Co?' ~ /Id-~ //o--~ iD1 t.~,#O ~"d-O /<> /otJeJ /(})O CJ t,f ~L7{) ~ "'" 9~o ~dt() ,;,"1 - ~~...::::-.-. - LOT BLK. 'SEC. TWN. RGE. I ' r--;- ~ , . ;_._. t~~._.." _.~ _... ;.~...... "j - . -.. ._.____l.D ^ - _, _r. ~ . ~.;:" .'~ , '4:~"~~ ~~ ~~..ktiL) (t/~:~'. .-re._ .__ -----"--~~ - . ~~C:.l''':' V.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO ~ DISTRICTS SALE PRiCe .". - f" """"--- <;; 120821 c. W. Oberg et ux tia1ter 5. 1 ..3QL~l_.k._ 52 146356 'I " MlIn<;nn at- ". '/tJ ____ ~~ .. Mt;; ....4" J (l . ,y ~ /S6?-z.!? .. :3 if ,303 - - - - - SS II ,,<to.I 1-,....,.7;. L .11,'7':.. J'd J~ I ~ 1/ ~ '.1. l.:1. 11';:, '", - - - - , 60 1/,,'199 5Jz~?1~. 1'.-t.- /.1 -rw 5W rt/ - . /( ... /5"tJf'/::. ~~ I/~ 3f y-;:5"~ : .64" - - - - 1= lA ..1.::,"'7; "UvW/O - t_ ,..,.'" t. - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '----~~~~------~~~~-----------~---~-~;:;~~--~----~:------ - --'~ -- . ~.,.~~ ---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTA.L Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb B.ofE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE .!>/ /g,g1 107'0 . 3, .57 /O,/;D J-/O ~'J'J /hlJc) ~. IOCJ(} 2/0 4:?{) I '7 t( b0 C) -E3- c:, ~ t- - - - ,," - " LOT BLK. l SEC. TWN. RGE. \ l' ;',~-----'":--;'~--: ~"-"'rn _J . . -- -~ - - - . . -. ~ .- - - ,- - . - -'- . .' -- ,..~-...-",,--~ -~. '* Ex. Trs. 1,-2 Inc. ",~.- --.-~.--.....~ - --~ --.,...~ -=---- --'~-__,,_ -0.--;.. ~" ,;-~,-...--'