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~~~______________________~~_______~~_~~_____________~~_______~___~~_~__::~~~_~1~.,---- NUMBER OF ACRES ~ VALUATIONS 1610 Oyal., Timber Unimproved Impl9ved TOTAL ^"Itllr Tlmb.r Unlmpro'ted IIwproved Improvements B. of E. v, (BuildIngs) VALUE ,??~ Yo, File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /;1G Rd,,~port~l~ I ::~0~ T:~:? I~~/'. . ;' / 10/1) 1:1 UI.'1 ~ J ! cf;-,j ^ ' rL.--" f1/,; 1.<'1:5'.5"1.1 .>>. ~11:;1~::~~1i/Y~ J #,/ 1IY"JW)' 0/1'7 5;:(//)'/ ~lZ2)~57{)/.?4- ~I3,nJ 5,,1) !I!L 3'J3J35( 6..z:1) ~~,;<SOi !'~ kJ , "J cJ.. C G.Johnson etal 1 402 S 3 L H --!- -;;;;1 c; ~ C; L f} C.G.Brown ., , , 'oflu,(i'vr:.".--t,,, .I~a/ f-- -f--- dJ da. ~~ f- -f--- ., . . J',(/" . I .0/1/ rrt,h,l'-r_l\ ~ ., .' ~_ (...' 1. ;;.. :'. It. 0 .rru )~~ Ii A't /1 .0' I / ., 1kIL-r~ Zi/-tbt, "'~ .f/ , _ __ IP.k fl k': . ,,-J.... r---..?I \ t, .IJ /I f-- -- ---I-- Y." t1 2'e 2:4 ~ 2!t- }0 li . -:lL l:R (1 cr !~-? /Z<;C? Ill' 185 ~ / /0 ';;?;2.si!) L/t;'(J(J /0.,40 /tJ.tJt1) ~d% ,/,rt:I ~ )O,OJ Lj-,DO j,rJ 0 u Lj...(\() (.;;,,': 1:2 (jOQ 4- g,OQ g3 / t'?/":.j LOT Ull. BlK. TWH. RGE. ~ I i~7---':1. Lfcf,:1:Ol31QJ , . , '. ..,'.l .'. ..-tGQ~t&If;' < SALE PRiCe I 'tbi3:Z;J ~ w ';?-:? I?dO.:li . '/:.5() .-J '<;;7/7 ,9-1/.?"~;f- 4< n-:"i//.,I{ .,. .'/ ; ,p-1Sto V<; 'lttoIbDD /l.1? I/~"^";C" 7G / /<:10 114. I :::JL'71/C,34 IdJd-c- L~" 6,)p . - /'/..,,, 1- :.w~ .:;z~,,"O -sr~g ~- ) /~f)N) LJ.~Oo /:::,J.'J ; i '\ '''''." --,~.~' ~ ',." ""- "';.-. .;.,..... ERLY: NI/2 SI/2 SE NW. :', (Tr ? of~#Q14) AI 1 that prt. of NI/2 s.J.LLSLl::!\'L~17-20-? ,_ ciaI-. Rpoillnino r:l+ +hp NYL-cocnpr nLE.lj? NI I? s.LI? <;F I\l\i;-ibence.- <; nnOjqlLlnH F rllnn~ --1bejLLi np +hprpnf . ,,'i 'iO' . +n +hp <;w rnrnpr nf C::rlirl FI/? NI I?<;I I? <;F ~IW' . thence N 89024'21" E alona the S I ine of said EI/2 NI/2 SI/2 SE NW 526' . more or less. to the c/ I of rd. : thence Niv along sa i d ell to a pt. on the N I j ne of said EI/2 SE NW which bears N 89016'46" E from the pob: thence S 89016'46" W 546' . more or less to the nob. I __e_---u -- - - -----.- ---- - ----.--.. .- - ._---,- -- -- ------ L.,~ f, : \i'Y\ClvhVl T y(o.t:, fl/ ~:.---<---' o cvY1A.Lt 'R .jt::::: (.IA. ' / - dr/ '=:U--<:< Uj~ O~ /~ ;~/ /, C .L/t-', ,,','/ ',1, ., , J :--_,Lv. / ,: j { , .,~j 1/ J:. . / :..-2: .':.::..[/ ({./ t,c; . / ,P. II;' . A ,':,j-':'-t ----"'; ./ / . ,'--~. - ~ . /' , v't~L.-" )1- , , /1 ( , -