HomeMy WebLinkAbout220163100100 Y... FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /yd( SALE PRICE! Rd, Sch. Port PUO FPO s~p - ;r "/>'S-36 t;? 1 ' , HRT'ley G. Ring .- ~~~-- .---1. -3Ql; 3- -IL ;!,.;:I~" .. ,(/,? /B /. tJf? 4L:LA~ of. ~~7 .~ c::._ 'OD'D '-/0)- iR .1) "frt-t L~ ~ .!2 ~ fL .;( tJ,'l/1;;( , - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - ----a . , . _ __ ____.:.__:.__ __ ______ ___n_U_ _ _ _ _ _:'__.;:,_:'__~____ __ _ _ ___:._.::. :..:...::.. '::'_.:. ::.::~~. _ __ NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TIONS . I Year O~ster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL O~ster TImber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildlr.gl) VALUE 5-;- V ,,~ .5 .15-6 ..:10 ,;(70 S<; ~~oO .50(1 .:z ~O -e- -::<:,'j-() ~. .5:. ,p CJ ,97 C'J Z; /~~ a /a6d' /5 L,{ ;;<1 l /.3,/1) L3DO - IU ~- /h:J~ /~;JS :? 'o5'/Al ,t,:fJ ';?,,-5tJ ~ ,-5: Ida JUS: I- ,g.;2-7/e:; '7/) ~ ti% h3CJ s;r5lJ (,~AJ - 7~ .5:~o - /.:3dOh /,$ tJCJo -zg -,"", /~(Jo /?~S- "/,S17.&2 . "7,~ 'If iJ ~% /~ ~o<PO ~o .""a,(',;1 '1";- .sad! ~~5 Jeb~ ~i'9S' 1b ::27270 /3Jd. 0 L/ol'lo - 77 .717" )/ 55 1/, 'J ;) '1 7.3 c ZZ t.{ f2 1. V> .5, CJ () - 5''-17.51) :J.:J ;2"1 D 7/:' '19 () '::;,(70 t3 P9S&tJ '1so66 /3'1500 LOT BlK. -, ,- -"i ""li fl. I , t. _ ~ / ; / t"Jv:t SEC. TWN, AGE. ] ,. . ~ ';~. .-". ~,;",t,_,,__ - :...i-;r~-- <0.-. -40, . -~.. - .- A tract of land in Gov Lot 3 sec 16-20-2 West ,.. 1', particularly des- cribed as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of saiu Gov. Lot 3; thence north along the west line of Gov. Lot 3 3.92 chains; thence east para- llel with the south line of said Gov Lot 3 13.40 chains mo " or less to the easterly line of said Gov. Lot 3; thence southerly al~ng the easterly line of said Gov. Lot 3 4.12 chaias mOi'e or less to the southeast corner of said Gov. Lot 3 thenc~ west along th~ south line of said Gov. Lot 3 12.14 chains more or less to the southwest corner of said Gov. Lot 3 and Lhe point of beginning cont. 5 acres more or less and subje ct to public road rights of way; said land also known and described as tracf 10 of the undrecorded plat of concord Gar'den Tract bein" a subdi vidsion of Gov. Lot 3 said sec 16-20-2. W. W. M. ,.~ --~ -- ---~.'. ~'; Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / .R ;;t SALE PRICE Rd. ~r'"o FPD L:j~ <;2 117639 ~. Collier et ux 1 3QQ=ll 2.5' '6f7t:/ ;,/-0 {J ~.tJ()tJ~ Z4v' '# k /'~~./ 5' / Zt--,t/ 7/::;' ~'7 //(97c I- ~'-"h,-A-- (-:Z,,-h~/ "./ /L- '/ / P;d-I=.~ s:--. L III < ~';! 'sl>-%.5E -jv /7// ..1:1~ .nJ"/ '~ t&, e:/~ 'ft,( 1D y ~. < a'I-f-../ ~;/ "/'o....)tJt:>~ IV' j - - - - - - / t1 / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----411----~---------------------------------------------------------------~--~--~-~=:~~IIt,--- _I - - NUMBER OF ACRES. . 1 0'. VALUATIONS.,' ~ I . Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber' Unimproved Improved. I(g~~~dej~:~)ts ~ArJE S;. / 1/- 1/ ~ 4.410 ,).3'0 /00 .330 - E. ';:?,;1 0 - -e-- ;;< 30 /;7 4 /) /lj f'1 /f. 1/. q fI.~3 .tJ1J ..:? ;:; cJ ,;< Jl cJ 51 !L. ;M ;Ie. 'I. If.3 q,'I3 50 :1.30 ;l. '/0 () :U",'i10 ../(". Puf. ~ gl/3 1, 1/ 3 ~o --e- ,,;{ 3,....) j{~oo .:2 ,~J?6 - /,'1 t-j. 20 '-<- if, 'iJ ;( ijJ ,5'0 23 () ~~ a 2 g-o ti". if. 20:t , '-1::/3 ,;. <13 /' 3~-Cl /.;J::) d --0_ .<L:z.o ~ 4.<1-8 f<l3 /350 .;<, 'j'D / c-t' 0 k;. /3..60 -e- /...g.b'o a;, -- /6~t1 /~7'~ f..R I ~~.@ ~ '7tJ -<...... - .fT/' " h fl'J#~ (,11'.1'0 - "'/2 -, --- 1/'~h"tJ 1'"7~ ,/, ."- - 10- 1'14 w,% ~f~ ;1?~, LOT BLK. ill iJ SEC. ",no. . . . TWN. , c ., , " .. --'-.< ~- ---- . . < 0' -' .,.:,~""',,,",,,.:r.'<$;_ ""' .; :r ~ax 715 Contract #4531 issued to Milton L. Jacoby June 1st. ~91~. All tidelands of the 2nd class owned by tpe state of Wash. situated in front of adjacent to or abutting upon Lot 4, Sec. 16-20-2, with a frontage of 4.20 lineal chains more or less measured along the meander line. ~ ~ _._-~---.. -..,...;c.,......__...~._ ~ ......,. ,. '..... I I I I ! I I I I I ----~;~~~-~:------~~. ------- ~- - - -- - --~~---~---- . _. _ _ __<_ _____ ________________u___ _C~.. _ ___ . . NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Y.ar Oyder TImber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oy,tDr Tlmbtr Unimproved lmpro'ltd \ Improvement. B.ofE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE. ~ //~'l;': " -- :}-,-jS?J ':<:ts7o < -- "Y, 0_' J 12- I{- n "i (J{) ~a.50() IV 877S-0 _d" /'/'SCJ I .. I , , , LOT BlK. G~ ~ , : '00; TWN. AGE. -. , - - _., . _._- -