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Year A.I2;;ONZ'(, NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /.!f,;!.. SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD _J_ - Q.5 2110lt Annie K. Schneider .E.Latimer 1 l;-~ -3.. 1--- r1- #1d+4 %~ j;.j./n6 (bn'IA. e. ,;f~N o t-/~ . 3M{) 1 9'~ 5- 1! -j - -2. L- V _. -- - - r-- - - - - - t-- - - I- - .-- - - -- .-- - f-- . - I-- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- -I -- I-- - - .. ",' ----, ~- - . ... ~ , NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ~.. Oyst.- , Improvements B. of E. TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved (Buildings) VALUE ~I- 9. f'/ 9.fl , /dt:J /0"_ /" CJ (. '7l'J 1'74: __ 1& ,. ~..t /.;:?t5:' P!~-r 9~o I~ 7-1.7 "7,t,7 '1.# /' .;'j .- ~4'2:5: If'---<' ~ It ,;!~~/1 /"~S 3bJ'-..5:' 11- -:7--.;< S- ~.;<S- J ~ 53/0 ~S-o '7.3 bO I~ ~3oS- ~..iL C-.54s- 1/1 /1t!I-% I/U/o 1'11'0 /7a9t:) - . - /k 1_" j '{,) /9,,7:ro ,-~-< .;<) , ~ f,pJ-j ~--- 72 7,;zCj 7.;<S 7.2 /JOo If) I. 1'7. Y;!US 1~ ,~~ 8 J'" .d19 I,J lf75 IOt.l~.;z3 Af'lQ go t ( 1::?~75" 5)p,f..~I&_ <t{ 1;)375 Co/lC)O 'J3!L1S_ & 1/0 00/) 'J '" 5M ~SQ()- , Lor OLK. - , :... SEC. TWN. RSo. . . ."::'-c--. I~ -, Beginning at a point on W line of Lot 1 S 20~2' E '65' from the NW corner of s~i{ L~t 1; rU~ning thence S 2a~2' E alonz W line to SW corner of 5"ic1 Lot; thEnce IT 29"40' E along S line of Lot 1,127.56'; thence n ,0"'0' E 7:16.59'; tllEnce riEl:r to a poi!1t IT 89040' W 746' and S 11c1fO' W 22.5' from LP.; tl:Cl'ce l' 11040' E 22.5' and S 89"'40' 'N 746' to I.F. ~ ! .-~- ",.:~. -=- File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE' V... ;~~P'" -1- Rd. PUO FPO <;2 M. L. Jacoby .J... -3- L.._ tI?'q-_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----~~~-~-------------~-:--~----7-----------;~~~~----------------------:~---~~~~~:~~--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE k57 I, f. t/-{ P~f' '1(1-0 ~dO ~ ~- :3L1t_ r-. 0 '----" - I--- I-- -- I--- . , - I LOT 8lK. - .~ SEC. TWN. RGE. r T r I ".~. . . - - - -- . " - ;,;,.,,-,- - - ....., . ..' ?"~:;:~. "-"; -- - -~- ,-.-. - - , f -.-~.".. ~.. -- --- * Ex. _il 1:1. ire Tr. I-to _ .....-s * Lot 2, Ex. N. 17.76 Acres & Tr. 1 Lot 3, Ex. Tr. 10 of Concord Garden Tr. M. L. Jacoby 8.49 Unimproved tt 23.30 Unimproved