HomeMy WebLinkAbout220161200070 File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS l,y,;< ~ALe PRICE ... Rd. Scb. Port PUD FPD - 6'5 Annie K. Schneider P.F.Schneid tl ~O2 ':\ L ~'52 (:;,,' ;?Of?75- /Pd_ .n J.. 17 . J!.~~d_A"fl.. / I ~o. .E S- L !-I If=- /'7 an 1/ 51, jP /pi I -- 9'oos- ~ f-- - /c:!<"'''' ",Z ;(.,;j~ f';{ A a .il fll, ' i/ b ~. j) ,-p';j tf 10/f 2 40809 Shepard '/ (Vi61 t "- ) ;?/1JD Ha ro I d E. e-t' ux - - - - #80204 OCD - - - - - - - - - - - ---- .'- - . . - ----." --.~~... ,- " NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS 't.. Oyster , Improvements B. of Eo TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved (Buildlnqsl VALUE ~ / iCY Yt J~ ,t.P. ~dO 9"0 /, !"l Ir7. //"1f //25"_ LtJ ,;t:; </; e-1.2.6b I~t: 15 ~:% i/5ba ~OO 111 ~s;bO ~S"o <:; ~ / /:?572 ~ /.513 ~ 1100% ~$DO ~~o "30d'T'D - '7~ :;) XJ'u.; O;~.?O 111':W 78 I, is {J...C 1..;1. . I^:J... "1:1 /lIJo I^I'-f.l-fa A/-/^ >-( II " K3 '. 'IYsco f~OO{) 3'75DO - - LOT BU<. I _,c'.. SEC. TWN. RSo. ~-..,:-": r'c .> Beginning at rne2nder corner to partial sections 9 & 16; being the HE corner of Govt lot 1; thence S 1~48' '<'I alonG '\"1 beach of Pickering Pa~sa~e '79.50'; thence S 22022' W 108.20' to I.F.; thence continue S 22028' 1;1100'; thence S 89040' \:1112.60" thence II 62017' Iv 246.60'; thence 1119021' E 57'; thence S 62050' E 167.60'; thence H 89040' E\401.40 to 1. P . v ALSO BY QeD AF#408093: (Boundary I ine adjustment) AI I that ptn of tr of land in Govt Lt I, 16-20-2W.W.M.M, conveyed to Lawson Hopper et ux by deed recorded under AF# 224880 which I ies Sly of a I ine bearing N 840 37' 22" W from SE corner of sd Hopper tr. ~-:. ~ - - --_.- --- ---' -~ .-.- ~ ._-.,....----,..,."...-~,='~-~..~.~~~_.~---~"...,~-. ~ cR ff..3 /.3"- <">