HomeMy WebLinkAbout220157590094 rear 1 File Na_ -r------------ - I NAME af OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / S',;;.. SALE PRICE Rd. 15ch. Il"rt PUD I FPD I I -- -I I I ~5 i 69 2,~9687 pope & Talbot Dilv. 'I ne, t 1~02 L H' # 15050__ CYj , IJ.lL ~775_Q.. Danny Sehnitze 'lb' ~~ L ,II- #55394 1--- L2.il' '/{}-3of.:>.:;.... Rainier ~73/,",/ t'!J..1 ..33.7I5.L b--:-, Evergr en. In . #55395 ..6.L1J ~~~9.gi f-~~--' ~(JD Rr.bert J ,-Mary I" (~~868 '-- '1'7R _"'fifi1 -rl...~ e (!hh /l! L4 " , -:j,--' li.Z'?~~- . IOf HAl..I1. 11-..1 1....11 [,) ~ fl1:::: 7r.:lr i&- flio ~ k;t",s? &;.0' ~~, ~.d<t/}?t. h Ii II W"'(> WD :Jsr" 0./5'1060 11... . O.f) ~ ,A~ ..fi-",JCaA..,f) rob> / ,. - -"- -.----.... ,- NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Yur Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyst.r Timb.r Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (BulldinQ~) VALUE 18.. 5.50' 'j.G!" 2/1/?55 2.4,'(,5'5 11'1 S-fa ;),'fl .~L..I ;.?75 :A'-/bOs ~ '11'005 Sa. .1- ,;2.1(,,'10 . 2.'1t;, 'it) 9/ d-. 'LtJ ;J.7:;: 3((.,10 7t/ 100 ItJ(,340 R'l t.?7(J{) /,J.P .<>:., /7/ ,;!.,1t- 1~.5 :')'" I" ---- ,BI/ ,8J ~ I7tJO / tJ 9.5-Y.J 17cJ200 - 1- --- -- .._- --- .. .- --- ---- ~~~- \---- -- -- - ----- - - , i LOT BlK. ~;rd/tSL/lS1 ~ SEC. TWN. OS.. , 15 2Q 2 Tr '. .;:9:::.1:1, '.,of Survey 4/11 , " ~.. .~ . --J....;.. -,~~_~_ -.- - -.; . , - FORMERLY: (T t 9 f 5 V I 4 pg II AF# 344150) 5;,.~ .su"'06'V'6,;.2 rac 0 urvey 0." ==" /' 7/,/ ,-, AI I that ptn of Govt Lt 7 & NW NE 0.1 I in 15=20-2W.W.M., lying 51y & Wly of the 51y r/w line of Co. Rd known as 50uth Island Dr; and Wly and Nly of the fol lowing described I ine; Beginning at the NW corner of the NE 1/4 of sd 5ection 15; th alg the N I ine of sd NE 1/4 5 870 57' 22" E 10.47' + - to the 5Wly r/w I ine of 50. Island Dr; th alg the 5Wly r/w I ine of 50. Island Dr 5 40 05' 33" E 30.52'; th continuing alg sd r/w line through a cruve to the left having a central angle of 220 23' 17"and a radius of 670 for an arc length of 261.80'; th continue alg sd r/w line 5 260 28' 49" E 131.20' to TPOB of the herein described line; th leaving sd r/w line 5 630 31' II" W 65'; th 5 10 58' 36" W 951.93'; th 5 480 44' 54" Wand the terminus of sd line. TGW tidelands abutting thereon owned by seller. (Tr. 4 of SP # 521) AI I that prt. of Gov. lot 7 & the NW NE, 15-20-2, lying Wly of R/w I ine of S Island Drive Co. Rd, daf: Beg.inning at the NW corner of NW NE; thence!> 01059'17" W 1387.91', along the W line of said NW NE; thence S 56043' 18" W 366.61', ITPre or less, to the Wly I ine of said lot 7; thence, along said Wly line, S 11002'40" E 64.1 I'; thence S 27023'51" E 49.89'; thence N 48044'54" E 488.08'; thence N 01058' 36" E 951.93'; thence N 06031' II" E 65' 1 more or less, to the WI y r/w I ine of S Island Drive Co. Rd.; +hQn.....'" t>.1 ")jo2li'10" "', al!A3 ~~t~ w'\' ~/,., I :~^: thence N 26028'491' W, along said Wly r/w line, 131.20'; thence on a curve to the right having a delta of 22023'17" with a radius of 670 ' for an arc distance of 261.80'; thence N 04005'32" W 30.52', ITPre or less, to a pt. S 87057'22" E of the pob; thence N 87057'22" W 10.47', ITPre or less, to the pob. .. --L<L "--'-- ~ 5:: - 735 .', ~,,-, wef'; 9uJL- i- 5-0...s.:V'-{,..":' C"",,- f"--l' ;;,- ('IF'#' /f-Z3f?/) i_~ 1', 'J\:-j EXCEPTING FROM THE ABC,VE J:ESCRIBED PARCEL THE FOLLOViING DESCRIPTION: Commenc.in[ at the N 1/4 corner of sd Section 15; th S 87057'22"E a!_g the N line of sd Section 15, 10.47' tc thE, SW].y r/w line of So. Island Dr; th alg sd r/w So 040 05'33"E 30.52'; th thru a c.urve to thE left having a central angle cf 22023'17" w'.th a radius of 670', for an a.rc length of 261. 80'; th S 26028' 49"E 131. 20' ; th leaving sd r/w line S 63031'1l"W E'5'; t[, S 0l058'36"W 951.93' to the Sly line of ease as showr. on Surv Vo2. 5 , pg 13; th Wly alg the Sly line of sd ease 85' + - tap which lies S 01059'17"W from FOB; th K 01059'17"E 1387.91' + - to POB. --------------- -- ~ , v..; 1 -file Ne> - I NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS //6 SALE PRICE Rd. S(h.I!"rt PUD I fPD I ,~-L-. 'I I L1Hi 69 2_~9 68 7 r-Eope & Talbot Dev. Ine. I 02 3 i 5 #15050 I - .- UIL -.2dll..5JL 1---- )anny Sehnitze L #55394 12il ..3.3.TZ5J. 1---- '1a inier Everar en. In c. #55395 1-------, ---~-_. ---,,-- --...- - --- --- -- -- - - I -- ~;t" NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TIONS Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyst.r Timb.r Unimproved Improv.d Improvements 8. of E. -- (8uildifl/i15) VAlUe 1J- -, ),?/q ).34 /000 11500 ~... """",.... .. -d- ,~ ...;.:.- - - --- -- ---- --- -, -- ------ - - ---- - - , --, , - ,.- - m -if) -- " En 7 'r) 'I I I LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RS" -/ - ITl : : : : : ; [[]] Tract 10 of S J , - -- -- -- , 66G .5UICOeY~3 ~--- ',-- -j. .<'_":','"- -.... --.