HomeMy WebLinkAbout220157590091 r Vear File No I --- I 217~ 35494 I Wi I I i am C. Case et --.--. /79 363107 _____ NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO ux,)f{ Cfl> J tJl1D Randolph E. Na e u ~'f" OISTRlCTS /g 3-.. s.c. -RICE Rd. $el1. I PQrt PUO I fPD I I _ 3 -15 I L H --, $4000\Y- (J~e P. f---__#63614 3.5'LfI - I 30 ----- --",--- ~"" 11. ~~I 5(11 J . (';2. I~, .'?:J . - -.-------; I I VALUATIONS TOTAL I Oyd.r Timber Unimproved Improved Impro".ment. B. of E. (Buildingl) VALUE 'I;}. 1'15~O ; 9 5 '60 ;;21. 000 ,;z(,no <'> Y,d:2 550t:!,'; ..:::, _-;-000 It,,; t.~ 'II 'I5tJtJe; $"Sc>oa - NUMBER OF ACRES Timber I Unimproved Improved S7 .35 1- ----- ---- --- 1--.---- -,-1----1---- lOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGo. I i :;ZcJ,.dJf:..~.~, 19f7f2f9l7 . MO,.. ' ,.'. /~~I::,:q_ ~:,;,: ' ",.2 . _"" ,c. 1-' ,Tr~ ~-:A.. gf ~u.rye ....~~ . .-.~.- ~ -~ .1 (Tr. I of SP # 521) All that prt. of Gov lot 7 and the NW NE, 15-20-2, lying Wly of S Island Drive Co. Rd, particularly daf: Comm at the NW corner of the NW NE; thence S 01059' 17" W,along the W line of NW NE, 1327.91' to the pob; thence N 88000'56" W 423.44', more or less, to the Wly line of Gov. Lot 7; thence S 25005' 24" E, a long the sa i d WI Y 1 I ne, 100'; thence N 8100404" E 364.53'; thence S 88000'56" E 20' to the pt. S 01059'17" W of the pob; thence N 01059' 17" E 20', more or less to the pob. '. "-A-';"'~"'''4''~~.- .....