HomeMy WebLinkAbout220157590082 I 1.___ ~_,_.==l 1--' y.:r-Fue N(> - f----.--------NAME of Ov.~---- DISTRICTS /5..d.- ~-~ll.,rtPUl?.! FPD 1 I ! ' t 1/79 _~5_592L19J:Qtby...R....Be i ner:ts.o~_,__,___.J_ m.__ -3_l_5_.L..Lj_l:li 8/72..~8984'_I--___ ,~ichael J.~or f--!~lj_1 ~jO~~J'i'?>T7T-' v~"A"(;.~:; A Lt., j/'.'1':~ ' ! /.9.?8-1~.m.LP/.1UIB~1 / 7 -7LJ?1(!;;::;-;;r " /, // // L I !j~_ ,@:/11~JtH,e-5.d'~-<'f~" "::-~'}".U;N. 'L'!l212 ____~Iv(}, 3 s-I L #' CONTRACT TO ----I-- ------ , .-.~--.-.---- -- ,j------' --- - I-- y."I~;t" .. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS I I TOTAL ! I Oyder Timb.r Unimproved I Imprtlved Timb.r I Unimproved ~.2 C/ ,_ ___,_ SJl (T 93 Improved /,0'1- 1,0<1- )&ff64s c7t.cc'" _5:co OJ;:' t -f----I----, 1---- - -+--.---'-. ----1-- --I-- -- ----.----.- -1--- --I-- --------- --- -----!-- I i LOT '7 " BlK. ~.:J4,15f'1s:r (5 dgjL , SEC. TWH. os.. ~ ,,4/11 :", 1):A_B~R <">t, SALE PRICE" I $1:?,7500wop "65759 #..""~R ~74S0 "'P-P"o I#~.?zg~ t4/i) #J'S;:$~A//) . Improvem.nts I B. of E. (BuildlnQI) VALUE_ I ~;:~o- ~.5/)')rJ . ~......,....,-~ (Tr. 2 of SP #520) AI I that prt. of lot 7 and NW NE, 15-20-2, lying Sly of South Is. Dr. Co. Rd., daf: Comm. at the NW CORNER OF NW NE ; thence S 1059' 17" W, a long the W line of sa I d NW NE, 1327.91'; thence N 88000'56" W 423.44' to the Wly I ine of said lot 7; thence S 25005'24" E, along said Wly I ine of lot 7, 245.89'; thence S 11002'40" E 124.22'; thence S 27023'51" E /49.89' to a pt. on said Wly of said lot 7, said pt. being the pob; thence N 39045'00" E 533.15'; thence S 88000'56" E 20'; thence S 31051'45" W 577.40', more or less, to the said Wly I ine of lot 7; thence N 46052'16" W, along said wly 1 ine, 37.37'; thence N 27023'51" W 62.63', more or less, to the pob. .,.,...-- ----