HomeMy WebLinkAbout220157590063 -----.-...----.'"-.".----- ~--_._-----_._-- -- Year I FII. No \ NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO Rd:'"-rs'll I p<)rtfDu~~~~~!.:2 SALE PRlCf - ~~/4t/& I A / -'I 1IS97'?'/ IUl2.._..?272/O_ WiLliam C"Case et ux~~.1J.1YUJ1_ 1302 .l";5: L, H, 1155394 r 7/-/~if-'l~ .s.7T. ""'7;LJ'~ ,4-~)4Z7f'5> ' I, 49?>5.2'$~2.~~ ~8JL3]Q_4.Q(L 1.Z.2Ek~. _J.aroas,A...,M.L1n,,'rl ~+....u,,-..i ?-LyrlJ.-i~-!, 11681647535 1/5'~~%t._~ _.:...~'=~-_ _,_~ "" 3 ~J: tt~___ ~:=-~~'~~---~<=~.~-_..,----- - + - - ~ Year I Oyster . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS I I . Timber I Unimproved Improved Timb.r Unlmprovlfd I Impro....d Impro".m.nh {auildil\l~sl 8. of E. VALUE i/ __,_____, ,7t! 1", ,~$ o. i::< / g 2 '10 ~ -r"~1 ....;:;~Jv.-'-"'- I L /d~"/'7 -"St:Joo .---- ---- --- ------, I I I - ~~' 1 - , 1,__- - ------_. ---- ,-,-_._------------ --,---- --1----- ---'-,-------1 I .---1 ! ----I i LOT SEC. BlK. TWN, aGE. '.15. 20 2 Tract 6-C of Survey 41 J J dZ~O lIS 1Scr OO~:t~'-r'" ~ '-' (Tract #3 of Short Plat #485) Commencing at the N 1/4 corner of 15-20-2W.W.M.; th S 870 57' 22" E alg the N line of sd Section 15, 10.47' tap on the SWly r/w I ine of So. Island Dr; th alg sd r/w line S 040 05' 33" E 30.52'; th through a curve to the I eft hav i ng a centra I ang I e of 220 23' 17", with a radius of 670', for an arc length of 261.80'; th S 260 28' 49" E 531.20'; th leaving sd r/w line S 630 31' I I" W 90'; th S 180 33' 22" E 386.91 '; th N 880 08' 47" W 111.83' to TPOB; th S 090 49' 39" E 615.43'; th S 790 07' 54" W 100'; th N 050 42' 42" W 630.19'; th S 880 08' 47" E 55.91' to TPOB. .e . :;:;::~//:,.t./JS :5./1,; L-/i-'./<-"_.-~,vr/:;' 7Cl , I ~"I '/;"I/}/.:b ^-.' ~ :S:;'LL~ 1<-. ~N7/C. #.5/1) / /!!fr?~tf,.;if ~Eo'>S~-,e To t/N ~LCd,,eL> //a /-kN4ff;,-v ~HT~ -#/1_':1' O~ s"" r i, II., rrl~' II,. ..",.H;, To ,~{l-t I.,;{(>/--, / ~~L -U'