HomeMy WebLinkAbout220157590053 y..:r-FU. No -r-----"------~AME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO Rd. .!2:..IP"rt DISTRICTS / R.J.. PUD I fPD I I '! I i ~5 L H' .:/ ks:::. L fl- SALE PRICE 69 232687 ,e9pe & Talbot Dev. Inc. 11/7 337750_, 12/7 ~~i---- 4/79 360037 7L ~"""_"7T'" I!~FT-'-' ~Z1 _~7.Z(.~, .__ S~ '/-P>>'.;J.:l. .. - " ..7&'t2~Z5~.L //y/e'a,/;"€R&r!EEN. It",. fu 4/M'17z F t.L.:5,K~",,,,~.,,, /, 41,.,_ r--' f lS5.....N-"'~"'.::. ' ~ 431/1"3. I-R5/) h .cr //X 7, wrr ) 1/.1'<'543;14&<1- I MJV If "n. A~ Danny Rainier Evergr en I 30 ~~"".., " " " #15050 # 55394 #55395 1l1i2~~A50 ~ '@"J~(,,~~ :# 7:f'/6 Y ~ Ire. Michael J. Tav or ~.. fI.:f, 1/.1. -t1- ./, / #'J'?G'9' HL) W/) , -:-://37 ~ " - I Unimproved I Improved /.,':-. I I TOTAL I I I ~. -L Ye,u I /. Oyster I Timber TII--___I--_ Z'L NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Oydar Timber Unimproved Impro....d Impro...ements (8uHdin9$1 B. of E. VALUe J I ~ ,y , '.- . -)"3() /s'5() - - . JJ. ~ 0 d -',"' , ... ! ;~< -=; ,,=,',- ~ _" f -), -- ----, ------- -. ----- ----+---1--- ,........ ~ I ..' .T>~ '0,<,. .~. , i ,";f -i "'l/l~ 7.$I~OIOI~ I~i .,~.- , /3n;5-:lr / " ..". - - '.. LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RSE. "A ,.~ "--........ ---..-" "...~...."". l"~". (Tr. 3 of SP #486 revised) See Survey 5/13 Ptn. of gov lot 7 & the NW NE 15-20-2 lying Sly & Wly of Sly r/w I ine of Co. Rd. & Ely and Sly of fol lowing line: Beginning at the NW corner of NE of said Sec. 15; thence along the N line of said NE quarter S 87057'22" E 10.47', more or less to the SWly r/w I ine of South Island Dr.; thence along the SWly r/w line S 4005'33" E 30.52'; thence continue along said r/w line through a CUQve to the I eft hav i ng a centra I ang I e of 22023' 17" and a raei us of 670' for an arc length of 261.80'; thence continue along said r/w line S 26028'49" E 731.20' to the pob of the herein described I ine: said pt hereafter referred to a pt. A; thence leaving said r/w line S 63031' II" W 100'; thence S 18033'22" E, 386.91'; thence S 88008'47" E, 105.74'; thence N 32029'24" E , 57.81' to a pt. on the Sly r/w line of S. IS. Dr. heretofore referred to as pt. B; thence starting at pt. A fol lowing the said r/w line S 26028'49" E, 210.00'; htence through a curve to the left having a central angle of 10042' 16" with a radius of 1100' and an arc iength of 205.51' connec- ting with pt. B. ,~l)......,r, ~ -.a~ "~ , ~. -..:-:~" J .. I, -< ",)/l /..") 'I" ", .c=r /iL: (!/9/C.L 7 v1uL'G &rS/-I/I/2.T" Rf/W J-tLToN E. df OI9T//.E/<//V'E E. L/7//6'€-#f/#