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Year File No. NAME of OWNER ~CONTRACTTO Rd. &h~PO'tO~S::I~~;~ ~8f- 0:;' d 3Q;;_-3-Z-...1.. S~p A --..' ~. r?l/ "'t:>. _2._i:::.fil /L A /1<ET <h< "NaU'~'U'~_____'_ . SALE PRice ~ 14ms Alvin Anderson et ux ~i.JSgU~ .~___ %-..1' jootlt> 'b<r t;4f-~h- l:lE'SIGNA TED '~A~ " {.,. uj))7 .. #37:<:1.;2. Al'f?~~4/ // n /, I ~ Q. --- '7 <r7S27'f'- Wo/" --~--- --f----- 1--. ~---4IIt____--------------------------~--------------~---~-----------~:---------------~~---- ~_ NUMBER OF ACRES' ~ VALUATIONS /~ ':,.' Year Oyder TImber Unlmpro....ed Impro....ed TOTAL Oyater Timber Unlmpro....ed Impro;ed Ir(g~~~del~~~)b ~A~UEE ,,~ :[ 7: )i~dtJO .3, / ~O ~ BSCl_ 4 1 ~ 19 /(J,CtJ /1'1..23'. l,dCJO ;200 .y'OcJ ~11:'J.{(_)2 :)..1"1 :I'J.,lf "/':"),) ~~h)O &>;/0 0.~1 :<'1. ~f C?, ~o 3 f. j1'i' ~:z 0 / f 0 t:.0'?) ,,~, ~OL / ~ a h ()f) ~ ,'I~C) /A'EJ (shO it.. ~3o /;),.0 /,fO 550 1;,6 ~ ~5:. /$'O ~::;~ f.6a ,61 ;Z ff .-) g R 5' ..:l.2.~ 1/ .::f9~- ~J. 3't.fcf .:?, 1M 3~.P,p .,;)~s /3r?o $7S- ;2cJl/CJ ~ i-<;;;~ 5~CJ .;>740 ..2s-o </090 '1~ , ;?R.~t!) . 1'1' 35';,f'J'm @.()'{''f''0LCJ 4tJ#5' .;15'50 7305 '7:5 3~,IJO f,ll? ~.fljf t,'''' -'IS's 7~51J 7/101') /~B5 1'74 / ~% /nab 11'000 ;J'l~oc I'lC gt.Jc 122.9'0 ./.q.f'I'Lr; I 1/7'.:",(15 LOT BLK. / , SEC. .WH. RGE. .f~r. , . '- :,;;',---, ~ '0., ,..._,,:';,' ',_ .." . ""_r_>-._ The HE SW 14-20-2W.W.M., also that ptn of Govt Lot 1 lying NEly of Hulin County Road and SEly of South Island Drive; also all that ptn of Govt Lot 1 lying NWly of South Island Drive; EXCEPT a tract conveyed to Philip A. Chapman & wife by deed dated 10-31-60 AF# 186358, tract conveyed to Lawrence Saeger & wi' by deed dated 10-5-60 AF# 226104, tract conveyed to Walter S. Scott, a wid., by deed dated 10-5-60 AF' 226136; and excepting public roads, if any. *Ex. Tr. 1 *Ex Tr. 2 ; ~"" e.:. , ... ' '_m NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS 1f.~j Yur Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyd... Timber Unimproved Impro....d Impro".m.nh B. of E. (BuildinQI) VAlUe R -- 32.70 3:;'.70 .:2 ~n '10 :;z '? () ~I'l 7'1 nl-"" IGN.ll IEIL 1(., 1: /C,,f'O , JtL , /;?I (J /,f'/cJ YI ",. " .' /9/0 / '1/) _J.:-' .~ . u, ~- ,f~ 3.:1'/0 ~~I/o s:; -, -=JL' ~"~ 31./3.::> [1/ :3;; c',; ) '; :' 0' .'~;;- .3t1-~S- ~i , .. , -2400 - -- -- --, - ----- -,--~,-- ~-- --- , - -'IIii:.... " , . ._-,-..L.:,'~_" ._-