HomeMy WebLinkAbout220121490080 Yea~ I -Ale No. -r---.-.---~AME of OWNER I '/7" ~24 155 -W-i-W-' u n"nh~_ "'1l7n/j ---f- CONTRACT TO Rd. 5ch. I P?rt DISTRICTS 1 P :2 PUD I fPD I I .3.-j5- I I u I L~ L J./ SALE PRICE I'''? ~'Itt.- #50852 ~'inn -, -----1----- .., -- --f---- . NUMBER OF ACRES " ' h f': "._'.'. .'i- VALUATIONS .. ---. ;'j' , '- Vear Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TorAL Oystv Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemanh (Buildinqsl B. of E. . VALUE ~ 77 1f? tZ? , '70 /1 (J .,3//J 3/0 3/t"J /27/n /30;;1.0 I#'.2 t;'" 11{t,:,n j 51yo (J 95"00 15</SO O? 'I'iS"CJ 71l , 71l -I-' f-, LOT UK. , SEC. TWN. laE. .. _m, --~. ,'" ".- ------ , L;2o;Oj '.?'rtft9~tJT~ Th ptn of a tr of land in Govt Lt 2 ~ect. 12-20-2W, W.M., hereto fore to Sidney J. Madge and wife by deed da 9/12/61 and recorded under AF# and particularly descr as fol lows: Seginning at NE corner of sd Madge tr, th alg the tr S 660 37' 15" W 326.86' and S 890 44' 14" W 190'; the Wly 1 ine of Tr I of this pit 234.36' to the true continue S 240 59' 14" E alg sd Wly I ine of sd Tr I, th S 270 46' W alg sd R/W 1 ine 212.30'; th N 240 59' 42" E 195.41'; th N 650 0' 46" E 50' to pas. "';: .- (.-"'1-"" . , '/~e:-l"' .-.- (Tr 2 of SP# 284 AF# 323364) c. conveyed 190229 Nly I ine of sd Madge th S 240 59' 14" E alg pas; of tr 2; th 175' to Wly R/W I ine of 14" W 148.49'; th N 120 Co. Rd., 31 ' u~_ ~,,_.~ ~,=__...J Y.., FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS //S SALE PRICEl Rd. So.. Port PUD FPD - <;? Hugo A. Glaser 1 :>;O~ ..3- -It... s p - ItX' 12~6/r1 (!} , c:jI~~ o D It . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __u. ----------------------~--------~-------------~~.~----~~--------------~~----~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS - , Year Oyst.r Tlmb.r Unlmproyed Improyed TOTAL Oyster Tlmb.r Unlmptoyed Improved ImprOVlmllnta B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE. ~07 ,,17 0~ ~ 7--> tJ yo 80 l5-'~ 5"3 27-50 ;;< 150 /-'1.6 I~CJ 1,7''1' :; :ISo C?1, J.o ,;(01'5 ;<00 ':'/{ :: ~I .----; :J75:J <47ft" - ,;;( <If)" ,/ //.;:Y L) "'/ ..;:;; t:.tj. 3,,(J '3"'0 I" 5'-0 //0 ~lQ ~(. ~ f-~ 7.1-.0 I"-/-O $"/0 t,7 7.1tJ f 4iJ /6j1'tJ IhiF ;<.''7. S di .7.Z 5~ 7/J.t: /tJ.3~ /-?'=?.~ (j ~ /~._.. .,::::::::-" ~~- - ~ - LOT BLK. 7~,"-- - [ I I . I I I I SEC. TWN. RGE. I , , , 1 , , 0 _.._- - . --_._-~ -.'. " - - " , .,t~ ~ ' - * " "'. ~ '>.' -- ~ .~. 'J .4.....~.. -. ..,.....~-- -:l- Ex. Pt. Trs. 1-2 <:/-7 ~ -;,; ~ -,-- - =-....-' ...,-::-. '"""" -.,