HomeMy WebLinkAbout220121400040 \ ./ , - , ) - Y..r File No. ~~OfOWNER sd. CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS It.:<. SALE PRICE - w-2>~, ,9C. Rd. Ie.. Port PUD FPD I - - - - - ~t 61 Jillhn L. H itchtock et ux S. J .~jadge 1 302 l2- ~ L hI I/~ j1 ., ..-1 /J a. C),.., _ /J n ./ ~ tQ2 .5 ~ ~ ~ A, ~ - /7....-"0. .& lit;(, h??_ // ".I . ~ ~ ~ //Jz;D t:1 , - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- . - I-- - - - I - - - - - - ~ I .... .--.....---. --...-.-~" - - - -- ---- -- ---_._-~, .~ NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA nON.S Vur O)'ltu Timber UnlmproVld Improvtd TOTAL Oyster Tlmblr Unimproved Improved lmprovemenb B.ofE. (BuIldings) VALUE .k .7t>J V. ItP ~O 5.~ ;),/.tH /0 lao /S5'" //(.,5 /t!-3m ~ ...u: :f ~, ~tU2L t.OO ~J.,,() - 300 500 // (p 5" /9~~ ~(p '" "<.17.. 1..,6~~ ,.;!Go ;u/tf:,t:!) 14- ?'5tJ ~')< /4'~J:1 - .<< -. ,42 ?" 225:.. d~tJ d;9~o :M. ~~ //30 /?5"() .2o/;tt!:) .s-S'tfJO 2L ~r //30 /~So 3"/0 .sJ!90 ~, "".if" ~22J2 dU!UL ::75 <:} I~ 9/'75' ~ I"" S\ ~'" ;). 'j<J 0 ",,5' ~ /10 "" 'P~ ,~ /9-;u I- 7'1 ;)./. tlO ,;1./5 q"g,;}." 37.5!; .3 If I'tJ - , -- :a -:l IS ~.r21L ~ -b- " , Z!I- ) " % ;?~40 75'00 (;0':>> .;il:V60 ~ 'Rt. '/0, ,~ -e-, 8640 ,.,,"". A '1, j, '19 :1/./1)4 f~ 'I tJ 15a(J) t.tJ:2o ;1:U{.t'J . f?t,io J'{,4o 1(;' - 11itLOT - BLK. -----_. r I SEC. TWN. RaE. ~.~' I~; ?rq(Jl}6~~ 1 _._ 17, c , , -~ .e '- ," , .'. ....-.~- Beg at point of intersection of Wly R/w of County Road and S line of Govt1 Lot 2, which point is S 89047'22" W 605.94', more or less, from E i corner of section 12; th S 89047'22" W along S line of Govt Lot 2, 720.18', more or less, to SW corner of Govt Lot 2; th N 0051'35" W along W line of Govt Lot 2, 853.18'; th N 89044'14" E, parallel with N line of Govt Lot 2, 1011.73'; th N 66037'15" E 326.86', more or less, to balanced U.S. meander line, (being the E line of Govt Lot 2); th S 19009'11" E 50' to meander corner between sections 12-20-2 & 7-20-1; th S 0039'35" E along E line of section 12 201.19', more or less, to a point on Wly R/w line of county road; th following along Wly R/W line of said county road, S 62007' W 261.22' and th on a curve to left with a radius of 208.13' a distance of 124.78'; and S 27046' W 490.18', and th on a curve to right with a radius of 996.10' a distance of 113.48', more or less, to I.P. -'R 30 *- 'Sp# Z- '6Lt ~c- -'"._..~~' ..or\ " / /. , '--' "'S'c - \ I . I reIn) Oyder J'.21-----I-- 'i'/ it .' ~ NUMBER OF ACRES Timber J Unimproved Improved la!:'! r,OO r.c, / ~n XI;... O.;;T"1 __n ^{)O -1---.-1------ , - 1---- - -- ---- ----,- TOTAL I'-~ I::;'. r? 4,00 /-<{..,5q I ~() Id-{ (IDe)')4- ----------- -f----- ---- --------1-. - -- --- I-- ., ,~.;;~ ).- Timber ~, il. ~~: I TTT Unimproved ,I" t VALUATIONS ! I ..' " Impr~....d Improvemenh lBulldino;,) ,;J.. 77t'JC -6- 3S.:i2J2.. :;>:J ;,,, " ;l 99"'01 e " ~"I"J." '" '? 'i"C t"'''''CfIYI -4 &,80 8. of E. VAlU'6 .;:2 '/'lOC) bl? 75 0 .:< 99ao (.,:;'7-';0 ~ I 1.--- :___,==1 1--' !e I I I I I I I I I ~..- NUMBER OF ACRES -~. I VALUATIONS " " Year OY$ter TImb., Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timb.r Unlmprond Imprond Impro....m.nts B. of E. (BlIlJdinQsl VALUE 7!t... ?Sol' t. /7';;' ( 1.79 .:7.1. 0" ;?(" 'i-Q 7-500 /.O,;lO .;2.';:;' , ~ 0 11(, SEe;.- /'7,/bO I fl, he 'lCf dO r 19~ () 177 q'/,).,Q :J ;l:J.. 90 3/7/t') 7f< /2. r~o '),0.-1 /7. /.0 ..;(0100 -::171.,1) t; A(..775~ 7% ('iN .A. r.Y. /7n/'),'\ -e-- /7000 ~/'1 --- J)C (00 d705~ 'i77Sc; 111 11nn f .d / )?() 7'0 ..2 7f."iL} /-(5 NS 79 U_,M_ rA<-< 11), C; '1 ,~c r:; r;? [1 A ~. r (r( 'i7(j -0 /4110 ";-: .' I~o J j6fJ9o d. 7(".5"5 LI C 7'1-~ - g() 1, - , , II' '19 () -8-' /t/99 0 g'r iFrJ'1o .2 7r h t; 1-15 7f."- - - xi I.P S- 9 6...')/) /5' ,5'1 , /'/1'10 -e- /'/990 - . Q jRo"lO ~l"~ If':; '1 tJ '\ !1.. fe., ) ,'/ /~ flf't't 6 -e-- 1'+"1'16 <--~ It.fi. j"iA _~AFL_ J.s:.s;9 J ~ ~ J