HomeMy WebLinkAbout220103003030 V..r FII. N~...., ~,J NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO OISTRICTS IS ;z, Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD P . + _, - -:3---~--l. 5.!l:&. Wf& -'fA ~ ..L S' .!:. /I- SALE PRICE r;>\ ,7,77Q Bp.1l1-'ln R-'l""inr1"l'S 7,3 f!.f,;.~65 '(/~/:..,-" ~ 13 2.t:,)~1~:l~CL~'[/~ c:Jt./Il) $975. ://57fff - ------- ------- ------ I ----~~~~--~~~~~-------~------------~---------~----------~~-~--_:~~--~~---~:;:~~.---- .,..~ ., ". - ",...... '.. ...., --. -'WI' NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V..r Oyatar Tlmb.r U"lmprond Improv.d TOTAL '7 - ~.~O &7'.f!:JO .:< , fJ?J :;Z, ~t:l Ollbr Tlmb.r UnImproved t,.prov.d Imcrov.mentl (Buildings) B.ofE. VALUE ~ U t,,'- M Jft --Z2 ZL ..zg :J,2 a. .1E cp -'/0 4-"6 4I:J.,f~ 9~,;? /.'lS-~ ~5"" 1/~5 1"90 ~~o //r;,~ /?/C 7t:JO //1.5 I.;'f,f!: /.3t10 pl,330 ~~3c /3t7tJ .;1.540 3J'4D ;;;i? ~ tZ ~"'t) 53 O(J 45""S" ,,;{S'4d -7&.1..-5 ~~~:' ~ $btf6 1S-2;30 P9JD '1-'18'5 :;;"n8~ 3'i~56 ,;(/)6"6 5'115"0 ~:>7o ,.2. r., '/ ~_S'I d.~~ ~.S-I -=~ I~~% -- "'_7'<;. /trlJ5"O /. 5/ ...L#...tL ,;/.5 J 2..5 { d..5 { LOT ..... BLK. TWN. ROE. riI2i5.;i~dsiL<L3'93..rEi ,:.i:" 'c'-. c,., ,..}".,~...,..",-,...,," ,:.;,. -- .., f" " ,~-~-- as Tr. 2-~ of Tr. 2 of Govt Lot 4 W.D. #173779 Beg at a point on the E. .line of lot 4, 300 ft. ~. from the NE corner thereof : thn. ~. along the E~ line of uov. lot 4 65 ft. hn. fl. parell with the N. line of lot 4 22 Ghns. to the westerly line of lot 4 j thn~ N. 12045' w. along the W. line 65 ft. to a point thereon which is W. 22 chns. parallelwith the N. line of lot 4, from the point of beg. thn. E 22 chns. parellel with the point of beg. hn. E. 22 chns. parellel with N. line of lot 4 to the point of Beg. J~..:T:;:; 5/ ( /) /} ., ,/ ::1/'''' "' ~, :5 5' 7' V~ ~ :~=-- ~ - -- --,--- ,~