HomeMy WebLinkAbout220094200010 Y.., File ND. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /?~ SALE PRiCe ~ Rd. "'h. Port PUO FPO ~/.r7 ,P, '12 ~.yh~ Lyle S. Wilson P7J1dh" 1 ~ l L iIIIi ". I?: ~S'~~/.I 4:: 6., ~ k~ / - h.t< 1/94/',;;, ; v.r; f ~, ., .....- ~ - - - - - ,(,-f' ~;7~';;. d '7'/,.- ""h-,~A' /, t:r. ,~ // , 1"7'" ) ..." ;;;'~-/",I!'l (J dV ~ I-- - - lL .;?""'''; 0'7 1~,7/ ...L .l.. S-- !- - 4;9~..3'7 1'Yr1 ;;'~L)-:I"{,) /1) <7 11, n I ~11{)t?""/? - - - - If7;1.. ;<13'173 '/2,f.. A 0. H- f'Lj ..r >9', .-,.A // /' ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,----~--~------------------~--------------------------------------------------~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS , ' Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE '7 Ii) t/JO I'-/- t~ ~c1 -700 /0'/0 ,;;-C; / (J, IN) / ;;.{c/() 1.000 %rJ 1I"lt'J /,f70 h" /.1;/.0(/ /-r;CJ'~ 5'00 //90 b790 t,; /'1, u-D I '" .rz> f)~oo -::>'I,-,r Cjo;l.t::' f- l<!:tJo / if.: fT1) ~or; 6. !)'h,O 0 dO.;!O -:76.;1. 0 ~ ..,~ ~ t!J d5::ls '7&5 ihJ? ~U5 ~-f'", I- /4.. tJ.cJ ..I,I/...,- /~ - -- _.~ /.:'5/7 t1 M ~/5 /~ .27'7(} -. /-"> 4~ 1'10 ,ci tiJ% ?3b $stj~ S.s~O ~~O 1:l., /f)~ 4'19<<;; ~ ;--1./,..- , 1'1.3 /-s,-!>.5 147's2~ ---- 5"67/S' :'>~ 1'1 'M% ~/fO 97?'5'0 I~?~ ( II.'I&; - 17;- !4JJ96 0 r-:;" ',Yo - 1(' - , /~0-~':) IIJ~C--j.J 7~ /-f. / S 9~5 /.'-1,00 , " ..- , 1=)/;;>./."7 b I. I., "., Jlt./~o IJ.R9'AL.A LOT BLK. , SEC. TWN. RGE. -l~,,~~,ol<11!01 1 < JZ.. ',,,,,,~c . , '<'.~" ...cL. ....liZ1... - ~-i::,"'_-__~ n,,,,,.:,,!'''' T.,ri . .... ", ""{~"~ .'~- -."- - .... ; - .-.. ,....-"" ~.~- - -- -.--,' -. ,', l Beginning at ti", SW corner 0 . Lot 4 Sec 9-20-2 West W. H. thence north 300 feet to point of beginninb thence east 1394 feet and paralllel wit)) tJ.e south boundary of Lot 4 see 9-20-2 to poinv on meander line of said sect thence northerly on meander line 780 ft thence Westerly on meander line 396 feet thenc south 396 feet to a point 660 feet north of south boundary of said Lot 4 thence west and paralllel with south boundary of said lot 1040 feet to point on the west boundary of said Lot 4 660 feet nortL of so~th west co corner of said Lot 4 thenc south on the west boundary of said Lot 360 feet to ::Joint of beginning comprising 14 acres more or less and known on survey scale map as Tract 5. known as Tr. "3 no! Govt Lot 4 --~ ,~_.- .~- lOoIIlJo."...... *Ex. R/W Y,,-c- FoJ-+-ro/l ..~ eN" +1 f-J ;tI;-.:<?If;; ;::..' Ie rF ":<7<7 108 -L- Yur I Oyster . NUMBER OF ACRES Timber I Unimproved I Improved .'l I,) ? () <f/I--'-- -- ~ - TOTAL /L/ (( ------ --~,-,---,---, ___1--___1-. *',<,' I. I 1- Order Timber 0,. .. C' \f""~ll !--- ---- T I +- I VALUATIONS -,., ..,.. '.RO Unimproved Impro....m.nh (BuildinQ') B. of E. VALUE ImprQyed ~<N'i(5 '1(.] YC) I rS:?;ZQ Ii/</(No, &il7rXJ :xii I '-/0 /'/375 91'/'00 .9J70 175 I I,_,~ :___==-1 -,