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Y.ar FU. No. CONTRACT TO DISTRI~_T~ / 9 ,;:. Rd. Soh. rp"'IPUOIFPO I Elmor \/i" S,m.R.T",or' 402 ~ _L SF 0 b6~ ;;;::rlv,.1' -r....... f-f =-==.L.. ~/~-,--:i.-_~-4-I,u'l A 11A t7 ..LWo; ~~!-I " . &.1, b/;,lJ , 'J 7' --- NAME of OWNER SALE PRICE 1112310 $5500 ....2i k /v''-''',j .6.JL /tyS--JL.~ '/"-'--~.J Al .!.'/JJ.J-:sql.5't)5' f;J;~~{~'1 =~ -=,=1-1= -- -I--~ =4-~~~~,,-~~-~.,~,--_'_- ...' ------1 ------------~---------:------_:-~._--- NUMBER OF ACRES TOTAL I Oylter Timber VALUATIONS I U"mp.md 'mp.md /,'<0 fz.J.!J_ _ '1lmprovemenh B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE /~O Yur Olde, TImber Unimproved Improved Sf ;.f/JOX< .6.tL ~,){'(!, ~tz. ft 7L2 ft 1!L 11..-' 7[ J,N.,u:. ..M. /-IT/ /J? 017 /. 77 1;c?77 .2D / Yo 7; I,,!~ ,,,gz Vt"'%' dJ.7CJ 6~o 33.-')' 1f"::J5' /.3~ /..:r:2.a ~7pa ;::)t, 4' tJ tj5JOO 7'~o 9000 /4f~ ':<35~CJ 4J-fl-foC\ I/_Ot,;;1 1~t:>' // ,c,1l dh"/t? 63L/o It?bO ~c::l .;...3S~o II" 177 fCf,?, 7 ... .C^ ~--'-- _' _ 'f"f~OO h() t-/.() LOT EllK. lEe. TWN. RGE. iJ\i1"'i CJi;)f I ~/l() 2 ,j . ., ~",-.. ~;';".~ SW corner of Govt Lot 1; th II 450 E to an intersectiibn with the line of Co. Rd.; th continue NEly, along center line of a creek to an intersection with the Ely line of Govt Lot 1 at a point thereon S 28~0 E from the NS comer of Govt Lot 1; th N 28~o ''-:, along Ely line of Govt Lot 1 to the NE comer of Govt Lot 1; th li, along N line or Govt Lot 1 to NW corner t~ereof; th S, along W line of Govt Lot 1 to SW comer of Govt Lot 1 & I.P. '~~ '-~ ~ /JO -?~ DISTRICTS / If.;( R~ ~ Po" ~ FPO L=I~, ~..2:J--- Ii ~''(kif~~Jp1J~t:_ _ -- _ -( i~ A '/)_"0.1 %,~V -:f':-T. 'n - r ,yo,; ~;; /.. 1/ j:Jd) 'A" n,L/ ' 1'1' I- ____ Ii< j \ f,J' +- L / ~,)u.,;,J1--"-,,<;f;,,,J.a ~..;<l&,d'..... .tAIi-- S1YlJt) Pir.k~ri n~ ViAW ~ L-l rr ____ Ve., Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO S2 Rudolph Werberger / rY ,i/:1JJOfl8 /c,;; ;{3(.1"[1 'E' /),', !..ui..f:..",-<.-~) qhl,}t~j />;;)- '//'11 ,164'1;2 '17,2 ,&;J5~ 'h(~ 1.:ltio })M09Lb z M,'..,soN.. 'i?h,. .3ff?1'f-1 '/ 'l1 '351c 87 ( , ' '107777 "',ok. 3I.aL395]85_~_ _ ~ ----~----_.._-------------------------------------~~----- NUMBER OF ACRES SALE PRICE #..:<813y -"'3'1;1;17 _~f 41/1<[ 'i ~'o,).'_ a':-b 1.!;"J3 '/ ~(,ooo *gov~~ '-I"<V #75586 QeD Year UnImproved VALUATIONS _e-- .. -, ~ .'. -------~- ---- TOTAL OYlter Timber Unimproved Improved Oyster Timber lmprov~ ImprOYlmenb B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE ;2 7.j' ~ 2jYc ,;(730 300 :<7..30 300 ;;!73C! ~'100 -e-- ,,,,-., s-; 5.; 1_-59 ;)5 5:] h0? b~ I ~ 5^z.. I- ~ 1/_ I oJ;' 5'3 Jfr It' 12:2. tiS:; ":C la I{,.? //')4910, 1M C4 I~IJ 1'7;\. 1t8' I'll ;3, 41/ 3- 11,,4/ . / 3. ~I -;.L 1 7, '1-/ /3. <// t/, cJ 0 17'-1/ 6!1 -I iJl5 1.'7 ,./' ,--'5:;- ,-' /, 7-/ /7-1' / //.'4/ -er )7,<1/ 17'1/ /5"'1/ /~91 ,~~ / (),f' / /eJ.lI .12,% , iI~ 1-0 % .]_11. r1 , I ;- I I I LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. --I RGE. <~ .:'v', - ~ ;.~:~'-,4~ 1:.-" .or' C'cL /<,tsc) </S60 f'70 1/J/1 5~o 3t/-20 .3930 1/ /1:.,- 'It;$" t'; /o{,7o 'i':ii70 .f'7d5'0 ?oC) f?7f>o /q~ '7:3'50 I,f,;)tJ 9/,f.5' ,;?.yCJcJ -</.$0 ,,;;>~o {,f9o /~~ e7'Kol? i/,;t{'~ ". l::J :;[,;)7tJ il'.;<?d/tJ ~af96 f!~" l..15$130 :56l..9076' f's-4o \3/'5"'66- ~6':%O ~.,.~ 1<il09..= 17;<:;1<=,0 9'/5l'- ,?/,/?$2J .-.- '-". '--.-'~-- Tax 649 - All tidelands of 2nd class in front of Govt Lot 2 & N~ Lot 3. . -# ,;?// /Cl,,-, ~""-- , ,..... ~ - ,- , ., ~ *Ex. *Ex. ~/ f /'j " ,~_. ~/' , /,-c -'-, , , Ii" . /' v- 1 Tract 1"1111 8, D - e.. Tax 649-A --J)-E-F ) -:i I .?, , /. ..-C-4 LI,cr...,' ) (/ ,-~----_":_____ _________m_ _.~ ';:;j ~ 1 / . <.,Q '{.I" /~" e..l-hf :0 /1, !-<1 ~ ,"1 I i / -- (':42.,,/, J I I '___~~:-----c," Yur Oyster 7i? 1-? ~J'~(? tfL 31;LI.~ n.. LOT BLK. TWN. 1..-...... Timber NUMBER OF ACRES Unimproved !'IE. .'-)' Improved I I ! I I I I I -~.~ ~'-~~-----------------------:,-~ ~- ~.' ~~~- TOTAL I V AlUA TlONS Oyst.r Timber I " od IlmprOVlmenb B. of E. Uo'm..",d mp", , ('~'dl"") VALUE 7.:.. 70"'/:;,>, ;:/,3 d J 1Ud7M /.;l."/,J.() 1$/0'1:2.0 1'4535 -A- J:; '.;1.5'/7.5 l/dS$o'Z' /,: ; ... , /~ 6.'/-1 b.'/l ~. 'Jl::IaoJ ~-~~- i - -'