HomeMy WebLinkAbout220091200050 ... "'l DISTRICTS //"~ Ye,lr file No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO "':-1 Soh. I 'o"IPUO I FPO I SALE PRICE , I !, I 3-l-~ , h$ 21$6l..1. William F.Werber~er A.Ivialusky 1 40 3 L H ~ 19.,90()_ ~ <->/, ./ P-!J;~~ k,-;oO --;; Q r J?-. )IJ... 'L ~ ..3 'i' L ~ ~ jJ>Y/~cr?/.p'p1C :rj-71i /!/J, ~ iI. 7)/~. hd 1<.s--h:t.~~,: ~.; 411&1/ d LI,; LJ0 C;JU?/ "od~ ), 1/ fI II I~, I -H 'TT 'I /,){) (,kt. " " U... -1/ -M. "an }fl",,/ I r;...",:5ACJ; \ U , - I ,-- I ... - ...', , .' . '.-,. . .c'f' . ~- NUMBER OF ACRES \ VALUATIONS Year I Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved TOTAL I Oyster limber Unimproved Improved IlmPfovements I B. of E. i (Buildings) I VALUE t;} ;<. 1/2 .), 't!. ,;;. 9 d .:J ~.:;!: - ,;2t.~5' 1'~ /....'" r.. .J' fP. " ;J.Cj .~q -.-- ,;U~%; ~~ .. o '/,0) ~~ ri____ ~6"'Q ..,~_"b' ~ .mbO 595"0 1t/- JPO% I 1190Q 1/900 --7c, / ;l(L, ~ rJ 1;;2';;00 77 /3/CJ /'I~:- / L/!;;r () 7% /, of. /..L ,.;17 ~9 l.;z17';0 'lLf<'lCl ,)t./.:2.3/') 1'7 1.;2/ 7.50 II? /10 ..39 g(,.() - - 83 35,,: ' /9.RC() 5'18'cO , 115 35ooC'! d 14'/7() <;1_ Oo'n/) - . j Lor BLK. SEC. TWN, RGE. ~IO ,', , () ~ ,,' ............-." '.''1' ,-.-...""", Commencing at the SW corner of Govt Lot 2; thence N 00011'15" E, along W line of Govt Lot 2, 1230.12'~ t~ence N 79053'10" E 33.24'; t~ence 800038'59" W, along a fence line for a distance of 539'; t~ence N 84038'59" E 255.06'; t~ence N 5021T01" W 90'; t~ence N 26011'49" W 120' to I.F.; t~ence N 63011'57" E 234.33', more or less, to Ely line of G t L t 2. tl-- ,1r "'"'r,-.,--tl.riH '.I .,"'r.,. ......- ") '" -. .,. ..-...... 'Ill. QV 0 , fl rf ~! ,_ ) __ L.. ", ~-__L'J,:... _J_. _. d" L' '.1\...' u -.J',---' . ., __, .',- , t~ence S 48051'11" W 209.39' to an intersection wit~ t~e arc of a curve ~aving a radius point w~ic~ bears 8 83042'55" W a distance of 50' from said point of intersection; t~ence 81y, along t~e arc of said curve, 45.93'; t~ence S 26011'49" E 57.78', more or less, to I.F. ,-.,;,,~:::::.-. ~~-~1.'-- 1/ y~ ",/Jt, #,;1.&,75vr- 4/"P- -I- If d- if' 2::;-?lf /?.#-