HomeMy WebLinkAbout220091200010 Y..r FII. No. N.....E of OWNER CONTR"'CT TO DI~TRICTS Igp, S"'LE PRICEJ Rd. .... Port I PUD I FPO - - <;1 l4903/l Werberger Winery &. Disti ling Co. 1 402 .L L / <tOO, OcJ - -- - d -t',; .J~c- I. , L ~~ lL %~~. :! I ,~, 'et3 3 5;,- l=- I. "--...~ ,. 1/ ;?~hr. IQ~Q ~, 7-eJ.f!.tAU I~ th/ - .46/ ,r, Q(11 j(P3/SH- 0 ~"",f.k~ ~ ~ ,61.:'6'/3,,- 11/11 ( - - :J../,;>!-1.Jli P".JRt,: J :iLL- - - 1zL;J.z:l.7f?7- Il.J.If,L,ll I. ' ~) ~, ..7':< 9.9.&: - ';?1.2 ;(73.;z~ /.;200 77.+. . tJ ,/ ~./. . ?'~ ~ -*3:<997 , - r-- - 'In, (:lJ..KO '4) ~YA E W4L,,-- - ;~/d~P:;:' ~ - - - - -- - -.f '-f "} 11''1 'l/7G ,=fIn.?" - ,-Jc 1) !iLL 35M7h I - - ~ J--fk~~{f;~~-",}-d~'&H. .' ( Ie-+, JtL ~ i) . ~J 0'6 /' ~6/.5:"",: Y- .4</> ~ -- o~'" , 9/81<t~51l( 4(Q;;D) /~ , ~-.!J'oo S''f "reat Grape Lan d r h - - #75585 - - - - - -I - , . .' - ... ....' ~---- --- . ---"" ~ - ~ 'L-&~ -__ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Vear Oy.tar Tlmbtr Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy.tar Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved jlmprOvllmtnU B.ofE. (Bulldlng.) VALUE 53 / / 80 /OdO 1010 52 1,t:Jo /, CJO 9;) ,"')-:'5 "frEl 5<1-00 ..kQ lo S"gc:l 0 S..r,Ld,j Jd /,00 100 f{o 5&';;)b r:;'jo~ a '" ~5,g' /rJiJ ?dl;fO ?-:?I! tJ ,~ /.t1h1 :7;; ;{l/? (;?''1 ", (:j . i_": ~% 6;C1 t:7tJ~ / t/5''?tJ 1/6.5""'70 I~ l;fo~ G' /s7'66~ /' 2i- Vt: '>% .lJOq)r:J 3/'130 %7'3:':1 ~ 55(- 0 :;; /-, I,_~ ....' 371/30 li /, (J,-. / cJ 0 71l!)() ~t, (" () /..';UI'> ~ 5:/2 5:12- '7b'1c'S" .2./ogr: _ 9.$."'<4..-5' n.. Id) ~:::> ~).~- ::;10 " l/-C'-- ;'7-, ,-, , , LOT BLK. - , lEO, TWN. RlIE. r 122.6'Q~f..1:d~ .~ '. .,' . ."....,-- ' .. ."",' e _ -- ,'.,.. FORMERLY: ~-"! ~ ._'t-.".-.</ Starting }l.~ SW corn}~.p--ol Gov. Lot 2; run due ]i, 360' t,9/ii:/ private road; thence,S 85020' E 448.8' to~rue point,~T beginn~rig, thence due N 152'; thence E 137' 4"; thence S 152'; thence W 137"4'" to point of beginning. / A tr of land in Govt It 2, 9-20-2W.W,M., daf: Begining at the SW corner of sd Govt It 2; th NOOo II' 15" E alg the W I ine of sd Govt It 2, 369.13'; th N 860 38' 15" E 607'; th N 850 26' 17" E 122' +- to the Eline of sd Govt It 2; th Sly aig sd Eline of Govt It 2 to the SE corner of sd Govt It 2; th W alg the S I ine to the TPOB; EXCEPTING therefrom the fol lowing described trpct: Commencing at the NW corner of Scenic View Trs as recorded in Voi. 5 of Plats, pg I; th N 890 45' E 21g the N I ine of Scenic View Trs 427,06'; th N 040 i9' E 200,60'; th N 890 45' E 377,98' +- to the E I Y line of Govt It 2; th Sly a I gEl Y line of sd Govt l t 2 to the S line 'thereof and the N I ine of Scenic View Trs; th S 890 45' W alg sd N line 357' +- to POB; TGW al i tidelands of the 2nd cl formerly owned by the State of Weshington, ifo adj to or abutt upon the above described upland and Nly of the N i ine of sd excepted tr extending N 890 45' E. =--- - ---- - ---- -,---, a-... _, _uo:Y J. .,) ). ,~t ," ~ ~j'f I ~ If> , J'k. C'l--r~ y ..J .7 ) :;.L ( ':u/., j) ~ ,- (; ..-,,,.J "\ /C, J i)J