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Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /'70 SALE PRICE' Rd. Soh. Port PUO FPO - - - - - - <;? 106792 Simpson Log. CD. 1 3- ~ 3- - lL WE A Ilflf <1<10 :?9q ~~b ~J (!p, IdaV ~ - - - - - L ~ ~ A ~ L Li - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - . --~---------~~~--~-~7--~~-----~---------~----~~----~----:-------------~~>--- ---- ......- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS t...f'CJ Year Oyst.r Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE S~ ..1 0,00 0<6- 1J ..2-0 ,;;( 0 j.t) I/o ofo> ?,1) /~tJ /&CJ "'71/ 2/1,CJ {) ~t'1 GO/ ~; % 3;10 ;S-~ ~ (5 BOW 8 .28 cu.~ lF1Fn 1t.f?tJ /M?O . , - LOT eLK. , :1...1 ~CliRI-I(1,i dtl t1 0 Q . 1947 - - - SEC. TWN. RGE. " - ,- (7 ,g..f I .~ . " . , ..:;.... - , '. ~.,i~. r---' ',f.- .. ~i.. . ---. v.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD /90 SALE PRICE' - ')2 1~909 C. Elmer Wiss et ux II;;'. 1 ---3-~l_..L.... 5 P ~.I 1.1 ~".2::_____ ..L 't1'2: ~.3. 5. L /-I --<< S'j :~-~<-- ,-= I~ ',0 -' I j- / ~7 //',}/7" J"'-'.h{A--Ir_cv,~k, __',/ I ' ~7ou, ------ ----- ----4IIt------~----------------------------------~------------------------------~~-~~=~---- I - NUMBER OF ACRES ' VALUATIONS , Tim..' U I od Imp'.,od Improvemenb B. of E. n mp,ov (BuildIngs) VALUE Yeer Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder S-:2 $}.- r; /:2---0 ;ZOO 3";0 ~a~ 5'00 ;;'0'0 .&7,0 /$!t1(1 Jb 3.;J.t!} Gf6 _/)"{J Ih,{ ~ 1'7'.;<' 174 d/ 710 REF-OE EST '/0 0 Aloin ~ LllSC/ -,/to., I ~~,dO ;.,C! Z, /~/J JPo 3.:zt!) 0~O u (" '--'1- LOT 8lK. .-1'......- I -.--..- i I ; , SEC. TWN. RGE. , I I I I I I .. , ~() .? ?---., ..1Ui:c ,:.- - - - - " ..--~- ~.~ " ',,"