HomeMy WebLinkAbout220044290020 Year File No. NAME of OWN~ CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /::.2 SALE PRICE ~.: /uC ,:J ,7 P ? C; · -"-'" "''''-1 #,u.'l? - 50 180+73 TLoma3 C. hu11igan et ux 1 ' 02 2-__ L.5 ? ;'t200.00 {!JhPJ Hf570l kvu:tt _ II ~ d~ L~_2..:i ~ JI {ccc/"3'313f 'h~ "~(,5v'1 ;jt~ II ;(71/Uj~) Jwj'- #.36'"1-1<. - - 7 ""'4'f 7"''1 1(15 -?() t;1.17 () --I. l/J.?L, // ' /J.J .-J IdIYtrO ~ - - - dO" .fu.... 116/o.95Ri 1\,;urrent lJ~e - - - - - I-- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - 1==-=' ' , , .. '~.--- ....--.... . -_.----_...._-~.~------_.~-_.......--_...._......---~----.~ -...--==-..._-------=--_.--=------=~-----.=---- . " NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ,', Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oytter Timber Unimproved Improvlcl Improvements B. 01 E. (Buildings) VALUE li 1..0CJ 7,CYtJ. YO 4/a 6' . ,j') 7..::> 0 ;: &,3 7'0 5?o " ~ ~ I/O //0 M ? Rf ~d'L/ t,t",(} ~fnO , _A.~ -1t2. . ,.L.3~c. /3.::J-tJ 2Q ~6o /960 U eR9d/J ~91'/() 11- Voo X. ~b g,fO ~ I b:J.701 b:;<7 c, Ji. .6" 110 cl, (<f ?<:'t/ 7)'1'- .1- -r- /tflo'-t5 3%S4"n 1.;- ~ (1'';- 18..... (!,. 71. 7//JO. 3 f ~:.:o ~S'/'s?J .iL 1'1 'lIef':' ~t,'16 '{~-~ 53 /?.; ) ~k _~~. 11 n- r;-/, ~ ;.<-/ Ij<( T </ 'i::.~- Ie j'go .3'.?_-;':;;;') .I(~~ J?5 .:...J.v ,. '..::, ,)' /35'60 11/10 ,-/ i. - C' i (/. . ~. '. --- iI/70 t,Pt9S " . _..-".:_.l ,5'i.",(" LOT BLK. J r CURR"NT USE SEC. TWN. RGE. ~ mo:OI~"'y 9'09:040] _OPEN SPAce . 1. .' - AGRICULJ!! .. ?,^+"" " '.'. ',' ...- '~ TR. 2 of Gnt tet 2 8c SW NE N ef R/W ALL that portion 0f the following described real estate which lies North of the North right-of-way line of the County rlead which runs Easterly and Westerly over and across the hereinafter described Government L@t 2, as the same is now constructed and in use, towit: The West half (W!l of the East half (E!) ef the East half (E!) of the Southwest quarter (SW~) of the Northeast quarter (NE~)j and the West half (W!) of the East half (E!) of the East half (E!) of tl.vernment L.t two (2); all in Section four (4), 10wnship twenty (20) North, Range two (2) West, W.M. ~~Jl~d 7/23"2.... ~.... ----~ 1 I I I I I I I I I I . , . G,,;O NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 7'1 USli !..', {l' ~.f?'-I 7, f'l ';" n, k, C 13 "-0 0 III 7C 5(" </00 ,1/070 ,u .;t...;.,. &. \.J 530 11/70 5~ i/oO 5:, !/()O ,( ,":/,/ /1 ",",' , " , '" '/0 , ~ '~ if~f. .; .., <t,. i__ ) "~ ~ I;;,