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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO OISTRICTS / J' 0 ;d. :~< P,,' P;O FPO L SFf .L~ ~ ~ L 1/ SALE PRICE! #6')61 $500 55 57550 Wade H. Wickliffe /..,(7 b.)tJ,5',t h.,,- "h1, J/... -/ / '/7/'1 ~fti/ 3S~3g.3 lii J. --::7 I,h, "ra~ Ii. k.- ~ 4'10oU4 Wfi1/ J1-. },,,rI:^OJJA{,f.I.11 .") ?tJO'O u -J,' 0 ----~- i!l 7oR91 ::!S5':lJbtJ uJJ) #0 '1/3[,.>;/ ::f-:lll~"/'J /J/1 ---~-~ -~I---~ ---- ____...__~____________..___,,_______~--~-------~:...-------_':~_______':;":~:''''''.~_~D NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA liONS C;y (f 0 Year OYlter TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyater TImber Unimproved Improvlld lmprovemenb (Buildings) B. of E. VALUE -55. ~ ~fL tf 2t2 Jl;L u... 1!1- 7 -^ a- Ze-) 8<1 16.00 16.()<J ~-a~ 140 c2 -</ iJ 3tH> /36/J 1.:1"/'00 ;S{);;lo 45l;}o 9oL/o 140 c:J L/ 0 '3~([J /=-'4/'1 ~. % ;),7(7<::1 ~",:::Ja> ~o ?o'lo j ?};./--- /1 ", i" .'-,( / C, ,C(\ 1/':;-;1-'10 ;:5<~f '.; /o()'-fo --;;.s'~-- {j 0 c:/ /j'." (/ 8,00 /{,/2'(j /10/.30 LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. ROE. ('. i ~.;1;()I()W;O; , 1. of' '.' " "<1-:'~". . ,co " .' L '- ',. ~, . ,~". - .. . rmerly nown as W! E! Govt Lot 2 N of R/W andW~ E!'ffiii NE~ W! E~ Govt Lot 2, N of R/W and W! E! SW NE ,I E2 W2 E2 SW NE, and all that ptn of the E2 W2 E2 right-of-way line of the Co. Rd which runs in an _ .a.cJ;o,s.". 7d G.,1-./2, <}ll in 4.--W~7 W ;t!. M."", -r,c-?/,',o'T - ,y<v ~-! <<./c:<.A..-o-"'1 /ZC - I G.t. 2 which lies N of the Nly Ely & Wly direction over and ..:?3c~ :~~,.~-- ---- -~--- .--------------- --.........