HomeMy WebLinkAbout220044160040 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD / ;? bI.. SALE PRICE' 0;2 892'18 Vera Ames t, *. A2--~AJn-<_ V !/ .,,9 /%/#J':s c7- P')-n. jJJ~ ~~ y ..../:,Jl/. b912~"f9'; ~""h.J @~ C)~v--D 1 -2.._...2._ L _ m_____ L~_ -3 5?' L L!. II ~ /-fo'~57 {L-.-iJ. ~--- ----.~~-"----------------------.--------------------~--~------------~------~--~--~~~:~... >--- .. '~ ,., , ' ""'.... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements (BuIldings) B. of E. VALUE s:< ,9'3..tV<> s;< .f3 ~ to U. ~ 1// .30-'" . :3.51-- 3li .35 /2 /0 /cH:? I 7 5' _~8 .:?a --c::.-' ~.,.-% $0 ~ o/'CP }f.L/o ~'.-,.._- 18S ~~C) ~~ 9f/tJ _ ~ Portion of govt. Lot 1 sec 4-20-2 W. W. M. aescribed as follows: Beginning at a point l506.63 feet south and 484.73 feet west of the gov. quarter 'cor"er between sec 3 and 4-20-2 thence north l4' lO' east 499.8 feet to ke true point of beginning thence south 55'15' east 318 feet more or less to t,e shore line of Pickering . Passage thence south 34 west along the said shore line SO feet thence north 5515' west 300 feet more or less to acoint which bears soutL 14' 10' west frcm tLe true point of beginnin g thenc Borth 14'10' east to tl~ true point of be inning also all tidelands of the second class formerly owned by t"e State of Washington lying a .ove tJ,e line of mean low tide also a 15 foot right of way to tl,e present county road for road purposes. .-,n'<' ~'..,- --e /i., ,.' <---o/?;" ' ,rr-;1oS-fJ'f?- /1/$.$ ~