HomeMy WebLinkAbout220041400110 Year File No. // ) ~ _ ~. ~AME of OWNER I '\"(~ CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / .t'~ SALE PRICE . ~ 3 'f6#iJ !:'/trJ.;? T//L// - /; <:':2-4"" l' ') Rd. Soh. p", ~ FPO _ ,,~ lO"~O Victor If. I",... 1-3-_-3-_-L.. 51 P .... ~ 1't)f91 1f..1.1,%"//},O ~~. .fIP.///. u . .".~"'~____ -,r~.<;~7..F-3 IJ j, ~-:;4. ~~ v . L. A-'. /J' '6 W. M ';:???3.3 f/7/ 2/ '7t, ~.:-;:[17. ;7,7/-0.J./, ~r7 __ -- ~:?"'''d.:v:~ 3/7'135891-? ~U1_tl:l; {/. I;)JI~ .Q,S Lb:. d,q7:'i;,~62i'!s 1~-r:D Jfjl,3 "77 J tl <VI (LZ (SEE. 'd",,,,,) llLaL 389844 <QCO) :/,;[JD Rav A. Franzo;;' #73146 l' .I C - # 537'f;" '{33 ~~3iH q.ifuW, c;":t;W,, /(}n~1WJ1rCLud: 1/ ? rr.:>- I '.'0 1$11 ;j2~;;O?l /~17lJ I-r ~--r- 7 ~~r~);fo . ----..~.-~ - _____ ________ ___ ________ _ _ n __ __ ____~,----- _ _ _ _ _ _ n n .;__ __ __ ~_=:.;--:;;___....... - -- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year OYlter Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved -, Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 5-:< SF ,ib _ 15'? ' g~?/r: he) (p{ It#' 1M, It; I-, It'll' rFJ 1.7'[),j, ~ ~ 11'~ I1t ).[flJ-- 7.'-,} ;<2, 72. /..!;~ //,.;;: 12 h/i l:7-:J '3'2 l..I~4-'..::> 7~ 2;<.:9;;2.. /S;<I~ ;7.50 ;(~.r.;l. it;; -::;. -"" C,s--o -3-;;;,::) ~S~~_ (,,50 .576 [(S-O ;;2070 ,.;; 50 6-7<3 //CcJ d./50 ~o~ .;;:J..So~ rF.rD ~61! () / 5't; ~G S-E J::< f'b' '10 <?6- 15""5' ::((;,55 //90 ~/tJdO f?S- ;7R6 //9,0 c:?oGO //0 'f.?o .,1),- ~% 3atJ ,,['1')6 /~S J?~/4 ~()() ) ~ ,;if?~ /b0'30 752? ;1-P'J9CJO 1..;;7 '-j"PLJ ....,. J.. I/:;;<.J!~ 3/30 .;;1,yK~"" dI~SO ~/~ t:2. 60 6)76;70 ~;~: ;-;~I/c;;~a~ g~ S, 9 tJ /2.f";l ~~ .rz t!c2 1/..2.~:2 . !~~% .2. CJ /J /:90 % 7'1 1.7.5;; 9 c (.! '7;.J" IC"'-- 'J 0'- LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. ROE. . r.;r"'II\OILh J --....:r_~~.. . ~ . -.. -.~- '-r. '.." -, ",. "-1- Beginning at tl.e norti,west corner of tJ,e northeast quarter of north east i of Sec 4-20-2 W. W. N. thence south along,t2f west line of tl.e east J.alf Of the northeast quarter of said section 4, 31.$0 crJains to tL- initial point 0[' tLis description Lence from said initia})loint run south (YJ),,22!) 9.90 ?" cfJ8.ins thence east (va. 230) to a point .60 'cl.ains north and 1.65 cLains east of tne quarter secti n corner between secticr:: 3 and 4 ti.ence north 58 East to the meander lien i.ntersecting a large bonlder at or near tueneander line thence northerly along the meander 1ll1e to a point east (va23 ) from t.e point of beginning thence west to tLe point of beginning cont.22.92 ' acres more or less togetber with the appurtenances there unto belonging. ..c.c.f//:..a Tax 984 All T.L. of the 2nd c, in front of that part of Lot 1 S~c. 3-20-2,measured along the ml as follows: Bgn at the pt. where said ml is intersected by a line running E & ~through a pt on the W line of the SE NE of adjoining Sec. 4, which is 31.50 chs. S'r"c1f the NW cor. of the NE NE of Se~. 4, Thn r~t.wJng said ml S. 11030: E. 6.42 chs. .m/l to an ~ngle pt. therew & S. 600,301 E. 3.58 chs. to the term1nal pt. of th1s desc., w1th a frontage of 10 lc;,- mil Ex. Tax 984 A 8.42 lc. ;;; I -~ -- -------,.,. . ~C.;.T - - :"'->:1 * Ex. Tax 984-A - BI ~ .;j6"! ~31 '~,: 7- :"'::;;;:''': J 1,f.<=l~ L.b-;;:;;.,. ,,/ '/ !. _~_- y" '4~. aJ. Y3;;",6 ? 4 ~/ /"-:._. . {l . '\ . :;; )'''''''1'''' .~ c ,..' '-_/ ("J, I P_'l. /, ^' ..,,', if' ~ , -'I, j!., ~;: Timber Unlmprov.d I Improv.d Improvements IBuildjnQ~} ==1/"<~ <c3:1/1'~' A )73S35 j I L I 1- ~ I-------------------~. -. I ----f---- ----- I ~- I. __~_ 1__ ' f.___ __ __ -----------------~_1_----~---~-~ _I. --- --------- ---- . .I--I'==I'~ u_~ . -ik---I I ~-, \ ~"" I . NUMBER OF ACRES ) Timber ! Unimproved Improved I I I I : I . 3 q," "~ TOTAL II I' . c/ ;).1 I- i- Oyster V ALUA nONS "'"'"'). I -L'il--_.__ 1------ 1-. " f----- . 1- ~JC t. of E. VALUE