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. I I ~ / , , Y..r Flit No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /;.7,;< SALE PRice Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD / - - - - <;;;> 1~o8<;1 Mary Dickey 1 ..l l L S P (.5~~-O;"'~e \ __ - - Il~:5 '1'1 l.P{PO( -() ~~ 1k1//A, dof~f h <.../17) tj"... = 93Pi3<7' i,,';(:;.. , fl:(/./....n~ _$A'20{,)u .~.cJ~ - - - - , , .L. 10,; k ..:l. :;- L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e-- - - - - - f--- - - - . - - - - - . . ---- , ---------------------------~~~~~~:_------------------------------~------------~ ~--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oy-Iter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE ~ 7[,9 7So ,y0'J -f/d,1 Jl60 1<?:6 ,/, 6' () 7.~(..' /-)0-0 -,L.f 0 rEO 57 &.,00 /- 5'0 /'750 300 /.5""0 ~J7o ~.30 /, ~->J C:MJO /, r> .'/:50 '~':.j, ') /5'0 .Je)'O ,5'76 -, () ,-,;-.<j" C. /,,;: G. " 0 /./90 7..$ D c:? '-/ 0 /3['D 7"J'zr =;>~ I i, I (p,Oo /57' 76'0 .;I</-o /3Ko 030 .;<:;< 5'0 l,w ~~f) /~J'c!) ~C;O .:7 l/tZI~ ~ IU - g/~ 1'7.:< 5' 7tJ-CJ ;;1:7fLo <i 1,,;(' t. tJ iJ /. .~l> ?: .:5.0 '17 0tJCJ ~'P7< ;/,M //, 1iZ;;t} ,~o-a .:l.R7..< /O~ '::Ul~ 1-1;: I"" l1% /~ti 0 57s?J 61sc 1"1;; - /.s;; t'J /#~ /h~5C) '1.~ .:2~o /6/oc 11'4 /i%! .% 9"SfJC Sif.;:lOO ~67<<>O I' .;, 3(,'l,)J 1(' - . LOT BLK. SEC. TWN, RGE. '-'-"'\t'\ml.L1/rJ.A n^t::ll~ ..- -. l.:..LI, '...." - ' . . ' " " .- -:.-.' .~.:. ., ",,,, - ,~ ....'~. " .. e", .. . '::; .- "'PC' rmerly known as NTr. 5 of SE~ NE~ " --"-~ ",,~.,., . J --- N! of followin~ desc. " ;t"j J ..- Beginning a" a point<fu<~2 rods north of SW corner of E,E~ {',F -E~. Df Sec 4-20-2 ,-lest run thence north 28/rbds thence east to meander line tr:ence south along meander to point apposite point of beginning ti,ence West to point of beginning cont. 15 acres in SE~ OF NE~ Sec 4 Lot 1 Sec 3-20-2 West. ___-'.#.0.- _ -~-~ ~- -02><o/Lf+3~QL~ i. bo:J- ~ .~ -# 4yu It c... D~_ u""----c~___ / ~.. ~ . /}/I", ?"I~L--;___ 1;1 '-I'i ~ &() I .J ( ~ i ('.",- ChA-,^,~ '~__\..1.A..... () j // . )..-{j-t..-V-t..-..---to v ....(<;0' J ~~Co~. ;:r 2, -.:.1 '7 ""0" + -~- . I -'-:. C,.tD ~,t" NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA nONS I Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (8uildjng~1 VALUE Ji ~-- ~- I, Od I .50 7.~ rg;"OtJ 7810 00 9-::;> l~l C "/ /Ci. (j oor ~ -- '-- 1--- -. - -- --- -- --- - - ----- -.------ -~-~ k' ,~ , I I .<. Ik. , ~, "'..- ---- ~. -