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,.. --;::;- File No, -r------,. NAME of OWNER --. 6/76 3]5671 Marilou D. Lensch '11~ 32L5S5...o~ ,). fCU'""~ / U7fO -_.. --- ----.- .. ----. loa. , 0,.." . NUMBER OF ACRES Timber UnImproved Impro...ed TOTAL 76 71 lk..... 7i f'.J. ;rJ ~ ~"J 5.00 ~06 5.00 .!:,-.OD r ~ ,_'_I .!:'.od 1-. ClJR$NT USE S;oo .5'.00 __nO N r' 'U 5.00 5.00 <1:., ~{ LOT SEC. ILK. TWN. RSE. CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS J !? <5 Rd. .!s.!!.:..ll"rt PUO I fPD' I 1 02 'it "0" 3 5 L H .3 .<;" '- II- . VALUATIONS Oyder Timber UnImproved Impro....d 2/5 7n+<.k ,.(- cX'~so {! U. 0:2";" >n.~, 1 I- I.. ,<::,"",,,, (!. 71 ~70 f1 1...') 1]0 / /(JYo All cf ~~1 S -f- .5/ cJ 'fJuA (i,.L~ ?..,-.;;;.s- -.;l ,~. tf.u,,, .1'IS -!I /I(l jLG"1 !?:::;.)..,;" J ./ .:It,, ~"....(, 60:;' r-1'~Il"IU; ]~i4i~: +..llq~ ~ ',"" . CURReNT USE - OPEN SPACE _A~H;UL ,...-.-:..,;-'.....- - . Improv.ments (Bllilditlljls) SALE PRICE /48081 b ,pc; 8. of E. VALUE .2./5 ~.::;sC; c::;;l~O .. & .cd 0 d7cJ to ,:;-: 00 ,t./PO c1'2,d5 5/cJ $,;;,S- 51S / 9:5,;):, ..,CYf '"~. U.,..._',\\ -I -. -". ---"""" '" The W 370' of the E 700' of Govt Lt 3, 3=20=2W.W.M., EXCEPTING therefrom th~t ptn lying N1y of Creek; Also excepting therp.from th~t ptn lying Sly of the N1y r/w of North Island Drive Go. Road. ~~ 3/1L/7 . .... Vear File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. Sch, Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE . -- ----4IIf;;.~~-~~~---------~----------;-------~------~~~:~--~----~~-;--------~_:=----~.~-~---- NUMBER OF ACRES ~ VALUATIONS I Improvements B.ofE. Year OYlter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL OYlter Timber Unimproved Improved (Buildings) VALUE 0"':l- .6S- LDT BLK. [ 1 SEC. TWN. RGE. I I J_Lt !. '_..' , ,. -,~ ".- _. .........., -. ---.,<.:.... .. '-' ..