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---. Y- F1o. .... NAME of OWNER CONTIlACT 10 DI8TRICTa .~ ~ .. IALE PRICEJ Rd. ..... Pori PUD FPD <:;2 *g~ac~ ~!m~~lgF,,!;t ~( ~ Zt :rnt.) 2 1~12 ~ L S2 11..61..81.. Howard E. Wilder et ux ;< kids< ..3 L ~=?b' 1l:~ ~%Yl~j ~Mttf ( jl if/,f4Jt ,:;1. t: B$c>.,J'!l- /(OA., 1/., tdl.d-JuL{d tu . .r,~ . , '( 7 <fo<J 'II :1.372 .LC .LL>' ~ ._/ ~ 1>- .;l.. 3 17 L- J.I. ~ J ~o<! ,:;; '7 1L 7/ L - - - - - - l- .'. . . .=--- "---- . -------------------------------------------------~--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y.., Drlllr TI,.ber Unlmproyed hllPrrAd TOTAL 0,.... Timber UnImproved IMP,.-,.d ImprOY.....b B.ofE. (Bulldlnp) VALUE 5:' .:2.00 ':;"<>0 IhiV /OCJ /00 CQ /~O //0 :::<./D 1",<7 /7;;> //() 21'5 'Ja ,.;{ ~o //() 35"0 f'..'i 5"00 .:lob 70S- I^ ~ s~ ~5 775"' / . ""',r-rl. G~~ ',34Lb~ 970 h - . h7 7sc, ,3r/; /~'iS ia 7SC 9.;25" /b7!;"" ~ . ?'~ _?- /:.'.0:': ./5.50 ,~..:~5/l 71 - .~tJClO ..::?-2/../J 7-2/-n /~, /voJ'- /.~_ /,r,,' !.Iii .2 I i L./'L~( 7&, /&, ',. '// .:<.( 3C :'3(; V/ I 50000 ~I /17:] . , ;.,'0 " LOT BLK. SEe. TWH. AGE. WILDER & HIMES SUBDIVISION '. f7ilal:ili 11/;,1.::;1 -:;t DlfllLl \;2.l;1 ,;27 j y .~. ....L_-_ , '. . . ,...".'., . .... - ... l I I I I I I I I I r . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ImprQYE!ments B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE f~ ~5onn n ?Snon