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V..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO D'STRICYS .:; (" ~ Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD '52 13463' Emanuel G. Aso et ux :I' u ,S.4-Lf.,z ) gk 3:J;< 532 ( j." A; 11.. j tZ....A J L rr ~~ -, / I'J1YO 3/% oz(//c,:.-./ ~ <; pgp5JJ&,l,'" /l-fJ " 2 20 D 3.._ L ;( 103 JL~_ L II ~ :5Z :iQl.J2 3 J5. L 1L. ~I L 403l2Ll5. L li. NUMBER OF ACRES ~...: ----~~--------------------------------~-------------------------- VALUATIONS Year Oyster Unimproved Tlmb... Improved TOTAL .5:" ~ I/,?' 1/.1 17'? 7/ 71/ ;&, 11~ 7' ;; LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. ROE. WOOTEN LAKE TRACTS .. 58 Oyster _"' c-'-/ J' -' ~_;) 5( Iv c 6/{, C .e, " Timber Unlmprond Improvements (Bulldln",) Improved 5S P 6'(} ?{,?5' 9~a / Ci.l /: ..y AI /}/J fRoe //5/( ,.;?/~tJ(J 11::'66 :J 0 (0"1 '') SALE PRiCe #.5o~ 'k ~~ZzS2 -8;:> $275:50 111~ "'~_cIl.'" -- ----- .., B. of E. VALUE .s- ..s- 6&0 &"C). b :7~a / '7~O -'l/fOD 6'6(10 //5,,;0 ,;l1.7i'JO I (C:;(J7) ::f{JOUV [~1.;2.1J; /191~O:O\O/J.')1j] ~ , :....i,