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Y DISTRICTS .:2 4 I ear File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO -- SALE PRICE ., -.I.T? . ' . Rd. Soh. Pori PUD FPD _1_1 ~5' .:(15':r.37ljJ,.u.J/~ (Lk kd&, J"",i3"..p 2 ~3 A 3 2.!:-.~ T'----- bh ~JaH'.s-G t)p }J~'?fl_~/\ ~D'3Jl..3.~L c..'l:L~.2--,,':it:>'~~ 'P" 3m II '" J x/ d.v.u 1/fl Ou, , ,:y;V E == ~_~: c- _~I==='= ==~~p= =1=1=1= == ==---.--=-~= I ---1---.-'---- -, , , -----. , NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS I' d Improvements: B. of E. Timber Unimproved mprove (Buildings) I VALUE i~O ,_._1_100, II .6i)~ I_____._!____?:~_ -. I ~ __,_I~~.:)u___!6 <!),- i ..5&.2. .../.20-i-2~~?:L i..L.(~1.1.1,,_!j ~~a_ /5<2f1_i_2,rOj /2.!.I)_. {)/L.,_I__2:. .::'.o_l_33"':.::1, I 30COi_~~_"J3j~()_ 1.i'''sC) O-i..L~"" "'; h,Q ac)_ .-~' ~;~I~-~-iti~:== I i -----"..'--1'-'--..' --,,- - i I '---I-----i-- --- ..L i, ~:.u~____ ~~~~~~~~~i.tJ "C"? .--<---) :t.. Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder lL It? &/ 1.1 , 1'7~ 1..7. 7'u 77 11 3(:;-.- , /~ /tJ...~ :'"/ 7 S:;z. c. 0 - LOT IILK. TWN. RGE. i SEC.