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Year File No. iJ,Ofj"'4/Y ~5" ~/,t>37 .t:x> .n~ - / c 1012& tJ Sot.. -/17, 35:1,)-1-5 I~ 351-:<;;;'-/- rn %1 3~MS(' 1'..4, ~ ".. Oyster u r;r:, t/ 17/1 7:2 "7'" 77 179 f.). LOT SEC. sue. TWH. DISTRICTS d 't I SALE PRICE 2Rd. r...COS<h)' PAort )PUD '2PD L- -C I .~ '1Ju.~f~;;(~~.~,;,-~ ~ .~ ., //- -'-" . ~_ 1--. J~'3'?5~d'-'j- 'Ole Ii; .,.1 ik' ,,~W~70'" JI./ /'lk""r-r//M--h'Y""'tu.LJ.- ___ oC>CJ0Co{,(, , '&Uh/..J~.f!t;. I.!L,' J" '~'llfu/l3d L-~!i->g-77ry- .c;3Tz) i-l..J J( 1. I ,.(/0 ::,.s>.;l /1-"'. / V' nmber ..... NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO I 1------ I-- ------ ~.. ,~ -------1--.-- _" _c~~ .. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Unimproved Improvemenf5 (Bllildings) B. of E. VALUE Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved 300 300 c? .s-.:7~ - 3 75___ '--~ /'5 ~ ;f,J/J ? d tJ .//~ .L!tf'c;;_ 2.2P..t2.. ~_ d -Jut? >> /tJc' , ,3-.uo::: .:'0 0 0 _ C C' -:;J 2' "~-l:. 500{J .?tJo 0 ICloao ~ .-.:~' <.: CJ _ ..s-o 0 C1 /0000,_ RSE. ~~DlKt~14B]~ " 'E , - ~ -'-