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DISTRICTS - , , Yu, FTle No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO ' ' SALE PRICE Rd. Scb. Port PUD FPD f-- - AFF.l~06 66 21'3868 Sol Due Land s Inc. A. Sivertson 2 ~ ...A... .L _4- .L... -.k - --ll9.5-0 . /.., ~/tf6"""17 ~./ ~ ALLJ J ) .If._..../lt',, "ll ..L 4D;;' It .5 .;{ -'=-- c. J{ ro.s . ,:A/<fSYI fJA "j).I -r:-"_ I -. /17/ 3:?p;,Qj- iJJ, .P. /J) '<1/~L / 7f' 5"S'03~ - - - $'il" Mt2 0;;4 J6Ib2? ;(), I.M c) "A /J. ,~ ;( ;~) ~ (;-; (,.$'/J - - - - f-- -'D,... 'o/~ &..:~J. 1/ J , ~'?u :t2 7~U'37' 1/0(.,'0/ ." ~ cQ~ I- - - - - - - - - - - - ------ -- - -.-- - - - - - - - --...-- ..- I- - - - - -- ----- I- - - - - - - ---~._~-- - - - - -.- ==w - - ,_..-~ .- . ". NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ;ro. , Improvements B. of E. Oyot" nmber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved (Buildings) VALUE b(~ :/tJiJ 7tJ9_ rot '1r.-.-/ 5-'~ :;/~ _"'_' ..J -- /~ ? .' " ~-/ ' /:7 ij b?_ .- ~ .-. ,. .,- c_/ I/j :?.j;-;-? 77' /1-'1 ~ ;c, .?:' )'7/)() . ~:lj .5' ,. ~(O 7--Z ,,2..:2 ,tJ Zl ':<33.,' .5%3.6_ Jt/. ()_'1~ 700.) ~:li.. 1/ ~J..!2.. 77 7StL-; ~-:'-.c;~7 /?3;/...~ A //;2. ~/1 1'I3~o ;tSfoo(j .- I - -"-.23'L~ 7c' " . .' q :: ". " gJ- It. _" 0 " /f'f~.,- 32.1.1_-2_ fB /"-5:'.) 3"'<1:.;',0. <!-Cj 'f0t:1- .- - I , '7 I ~_~J 61-'1.~1~~1~''ll ~ " LOT BlK. ., SEC. TWN. RGE. .. ~--_'_,_.>.~'- TWANGH FA~~S--- ..- , .. ~~~,,-A.'.. '_ .. ~..... -. __-0-_- . .C