HomeMy WebLinkAbout222205200902 "lR_A ,f?~ DISTRICTS -">:, I NAME of OWNER/) '11 1,H..... CONTRACT TO --- -- __,__~2_---;-- SALE PRICE (.,1, . "".35,3 I " Rd. ~I Pori I PUD I FPD ' 1/__ ,I i I f, 7l-ScJ6z..-. {..7 22QO~O Mission Creek land Co.. Inc. R.R.laurie -::? ~ ,# ,'3 i~ 11...1 ~~_ ~'7.5J),-- #--b//6.JJ~ ~~ /;. ,~n~ _____...1L..L4tt6 fj .~I.2?.J.b...I_cJ.RT iF- ~:} ;;:::;;: ~~;(/,~,~,,~, 1;i;Q - _+-+_-I_J I i,'~t:,~;;~::- , .' . r--T I I r .. +_H'_,_+_ C [-:- I 'Ii'! i I-- --T""" -, , ~. 'L____,_ , -t- -+~'--l-I t- ---, I Jij~=t= I I :1 i Y~ar File No. ----t. e;;- .:e. .. ,~ " --~----=--.-. , """. , , -, Yeo!lT Oyder I NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Timber unimproved; Improved I TOTAL Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved Improvements (Buildings) B. of E. VALUE t5-1-,.. 22.1 /JT 7<./ IZ 1ct 7'1 19.J~ 8" i -"'- --_.,- " i 9ft;) I '7 LJ(j, ~ /'" ., i //<7<'1 _~~--T- ::~t7"r-=~-5 00_ ~a,,-,:__L__ ..:" J G.f-..I__ . .3'j;;,;; 'L_ I 5'C~/'(~~ ~(,^,~ -f---, .. _~__. _____ /tJ..$:OO /~CI CJ -,~-,~~-, ,~ I~~"~~ I;:un-jl' ~,~)~tQ ,..-.-J ..L/~OO ';;5t/.tj,'; 3t,9t,{~L I ! -l f----i---' +----' ' I I , , I I f---n-T -~------,- SEC. TWN. RGE. 'I ..--- I ;..,,:...~~~~~ ., ~.j TWANOH FALLS THIRD ADD. ',_...' _:.~ =_~:~:...- ~.~.~-: -:;,'_-~~:"'-~~~,~...,c-:.::,: - -_~- -'_~- --~~~ -, lOT BlK. , ;t'~~~~3$-~- _ _ _ ,_, _ _, u ,.. _ u __ ,''-'''.-< ............,;.;.'-'~'~ '""',-- Beginning at the NW corner of Lot 38; thence along Nly boundary thereof S 70031'40" E 82.88'; thence S 12"57'40" W 94.88' to Sly boundary thereof; thence along said Sly boundary N 60039'56" W 96.63' to SW corner thereof; thence along the Ely margin of Creekside Drive 78.03' to I.P. . .. .:- ".. J.'.