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Year FIl. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS oJ '-/ I SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUO ,PO - - Srf 151/19~ /thn .if aV7A~.?'./'J'74/ 1..< t/2.. d.... 2- L L c /%",13 J.. 1/' 1 ,.l ~ A. .c.. bf-P/5.;L <;'7 ;;0 (J (//';'//hl) ,L 2 L /,-<,,,, 0 il I';~ %'lfl I<;//. J},1 )I);()~~A ,,<,6 ,/ c'?//rtJ II ..L U03 A- 2> d- L-- c., Ii / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .,.,;,.,..1 , . M,...~ . ~ " ';.. ".... ........ ~--- -----~-~---------------------~--=------------=--=------- .::..- ..... -,- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS T.... OYlter Timber Unimproved ImDrovecl TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B.afE. (BuildIngs) VALUE 5'1 /0 /ts- 19 S- &. /0 5'S-o ,/5'00 (,0 ~ ~7S- ::2.7.s- fili. ?r ."j .5</-0 3(jO c, j" J /.,7 5/0 .:$/ <P .....,.- 2f... 5' {. :, /,-;;10 J (- -7 {. " 2L / /"l";?/J / /1 .,.z" ..2!d. I/r?v. , , I 20 <I () "?Oq(/ , 77 iJ' .:W #dO 22. 171P&,0 /7~~(J 'ff e"O, [/~ JO (It ;;'0 .2.k /I.,~O V&3.<0 LOT BLK. .wk. ANDERSON'S SUBDIVISION 7 SEC. TWN. ..,*, RGE. 1 , ;J. d. Fio n__ . ..' T.L. 0'6 0 -, " "~~ , -'-' r"''' . -# / ;,.<f_ }' ,~' <-~ ,y{:r; ~-= - - ~,'~l~----- '..',,.-., ~.,.../t./ ,e: ./ L/"'" .c/ I /' .""~ ,,.{, ., <;L&" .'" ,,:---./ .., _, .N-"... ~".... ,~