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Year FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ::J If I SALE PRice Rd, Ilch, Port PUO FPO - - - - - {..n Ge!ore:e! F. Z; '"e:e!n fllSS 2 403 A 3 2 L C l,fA A / .J.~, I II , !" / IDlJu lJ/ 103 II ..a .Ed.. L.. C- fl '- 0 V : - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .-- -,~- . ,'..--., ,.,_~,.,,,"~4' ......,- -.....;,...., .'<<4. - _.~ -, .. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS YIII Oyster Tlmb.r Unlmprovld Improved TOTAL Oyst.r TImber Unlmprovld Improftd Improvements B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE {PI ;f736 .::?730 lb.:'" /Or? /OtJ f,(., ,;<L- (':-' I,;;S / .;; L; -.:l .,',''> 70 -":",, 2-- .;2~-5c .J ,'~ ... .2L ,;2..:J'/) ,;2.5 /J 71/ /::,:;~~~, ' ..5.'-' C) .L:,~,~ 77 .5tJ () So,') 2L ..-- -&- LOT BLK. /3 SEe, TWN. ROE. Pa~king Area & Private Road ,~ . . .,-.,. 11"5'1,..4 ~"IO~ .. ) I I~I 1al A r.()ILJIlY~~T. 'I'I'H(,!'I'~ ."1i!._--.liL.A.. '.