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DISTRICTS .;) y I Rd. Itch. Port PUD FPD 1-- 60 George F. Ziegenfuss 2 ill A 3 2 L C h-3 ~.o99'7 /,/,0., .12-,':' , d) ~ " ~~~/,ljJ j., '7 "''''d/U~./. // :/jjJ';~ ~ d J 4#',.{} (/ 7/.:L 10313... '3 d L C- f-{ 1-11.5 3t/3rb ri!"'J.I.' - !:I!i?t~Jd!.", , If, 43&'14 6h013/~7!.ifl uJk,,~,.J U/ft t'~.J L/-6CfD --f--- 'S6;;:'t-7.f.;>O Y..r File No. NAME 01 OWNEPI CONTRACT TO SALE PRieS --1-- - .':.,~:..:-:___ _ _ _u ~. ~- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yelt Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Tlmb.r UnImproved Improved Improvements (BuIldings) a.ofE. VALUE (PI to, J. '1 70 7/ M -4 72 ..2l ;'1 ~ -JC5 :'" ,/00 sL.n b t7-D S-.rl) _ -J ~tJ /_'2,1.<7 -ZtJO,'; /h'?',.J' 0 /0 .<.jD 10 ..;:z,c7~~ .3tJ/ t? ~/)//) ';<CJt'JCl 3555 555.;;- qO"(') 7//0 II/It) ScJtJcJ fO~/O /5::1/0 '7':;-0 /7 ()() 0 .;? 37S"a ,~OOO /O~fI) I 52-/e) /",'::;06 15?JS~,<?</'3.:).s ;l s-'7Q /OOIJ'7/ / cO LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. ROE. 2.I~~.(lI~'S1c,.'10!~, , c{CId '- -, .,.,.~ 7'\ >._c_ ~ . c,_-"--:....-.-. '''-'~~- .-"- . . '" . -;-------~-,-,,'- -~-:;3/.:.; .;; # 3/;,",-(' j; :J,..- J:{j~ /J .!/~, \ (' \pu;Ai:.~A , ,~ -'/ I l i ,/_~~ 1~. i ---,;...\ /, 'J' +- ,~--l./_,t!,1:.:,~ '(1,'- " f , /1, /1. J- ~j" . ~ ''':': '-""'.' ,'~ , -1' -! I'/, <', /.'~. //; I I,,' ;... -c __ _; '/ I