HomeMy WebLinkAbout224065100904 Year Fila No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS :~ 3 '3 SALE PRiCe Rd. ISo'. Port PUD FPD - - - --'- 56 l6553S Lloyd A. Reeve ? ll2 - 3- -- L- - - _$5,200. c :1.y" 0.:20 (1............:J ~ 1/~/ l,{ ~ .3 L S'3S - 05' /6 S-SJi? /ld ~n .. , cg/. ... - iZ "2//':~?; jJ d. ~A_./ J- 7,. ;l. :&L 3 /7 L fl- t I , / /' fl_ . o-rf /. (Uh I S ""~ 'Q 7tJ $ 5t? A ~.3'- OS-;Cd:? f-- "'~ 12.f~1i''''2 ;::' - ,* ,if. /Jr. J .J ,.j /d 1/Jt!D FI I V04 3 )7 L /-I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f-- - - - I - - - - - -- , .1,....:: ..., .t. ... -=_... ~-------~----~--=---------=-=------------=--=-----------=--~- -- ~ NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS Y,.r Oy.wr Timber Unlmprovad Improved TOTAL Oylt,r Timber UnImproved Improved Improvemenh B.ofE. (Building.) VALUE 4- 30 .200 j\'QO J!)'tl /0 ,,'" 3c:'o /'300 h2 ~ 9'~0 ;160 ,6[7'0 id. 9'30 /0 C/o /770 6-3 730 //75' .:/J()~ .. 4~ )1"'(7 //,{,,;7 /-'/7c:J ~/'30 ~; , : id /-.:J r:5 /1:/'70 ;?-X' 3 S- - 09 /36".5' Ig/~ 3/gD 7,;7 ~ - .1'" .;.. 7~3 0 Jt 3/) 63rfo , .lL .. . . "175'0 .1ft. 02 0 7'/; tJ tJ 7J 1<1, " q7&() 7:; 1./1) /e> ,)O() it.. J0/()C.i 17 JC'C - -; . - .. 5L -!?Z,JO d.fi740 14Si!.o 21- '112 I.fliO() :<77<,/0 7~",~O IRS 1/ .2/ j/lr; ~ /... ffOmO LOT BLK. ..., .. p--" . SEC. TWN. RGE. , ~I ~.J-",:, 1st I r:;t;;'I9('() k4 .](. ... "~;'.,., ,-. ',:_~'.'-:'-.' ..,..~. ' -"" _ .,.. ~,._,-+i -,r:'" ! "'. .. "f" . '---. . " I Beginning at the NE corner of Tr. 12 of Triton Head ITracts, which is aleo the NW corner of Tr. 13; trence N 71035' E along the N line of Tr. 13, 10' to initial point of tract herein de5cri~ed: thence S parallel to the E line of Tr. 12 to a point that would intersect the S line of Tr. 12 extended NElyj thence SW along extended line 15.67' more or less to the SE corner of Tr. 12; continue along outer line of Tr. 13, S 37015' W 78.38'; thence S 33.04'; thence S 37015' W 65.04'j thence N 89018' E 80.49'; thence N 33056' E 178.49'j leave outer line, Nly parallel with E line of Tr. 12, 230.96' more or. less to the N line of Tr. 13; thence S 560 w 94.16' to an angle point thereon; thence S 71035' W 6.21' to Initial point. ~_._._.. ; ..$.1 --r--- I .. -'-""-&,,;;;"