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V.ar File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS :LO~ SALE PRICE Rd. Sch, Port PUD FPD - - - - k2 South Kitsap Invest. Co. ..L I&.l A '1 2 L /.2 (] .!I h '.M 7'j' fL do; "" --/05?.J.Z- f-- /::2dd /'3 1"/1(~ Ii) Jl7. ~ t-#; z-/o~-7 ~ /5' LH:> ~'- ...., . r-- ,,\1\ .", / , +- .air- Ro .'&l A- ..a.. .it }I.. '", .. ..2. L- " i~/-. 1-'22%5 0/ ,UA/A/,l/. ,e7p-rY..;; , <I~ Ere/X 31 -, A. ~ ~ k ~, IIJ- /' 7/ ~auic ~/-?M,e;E E /.!3P7T.5 - r;;..,/T7 J/., '2:!J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -:- . .... O' .. " ..... .::. .... ...-.. ".~ -.-.--.....---- u_~_. .- - -- - - - '- , NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y.ar Oyster Timber Unlmpro....d Impro...ed TOTAL Oyst.r Timber Unlmpro...ed Improv.d I mDrov.m.nh B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE ~ ~$r;O .;(itrtiJ ~ -- b,'f ;; ,;(.:2 t? ~5() - 2JL ~~/ ~#>O ,SO'" , 7d. /';;:;-0 /.;?.s-O ..2.!:l. I'n" -,/ ;< 500 ~50 () 77 ,;1.500 dS~~ 1!- fooo food 79 (? t",'" dSh{) d. Son ~: &,tJ 00 t,ooo LDT BlK. . . .' , SEC. TWN. ROE. ~~. .: ?~..A , , .. . " .. , '. .. L _-..J",~