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SL7 _':J". <..... y,,, FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO OISTRICTS ~ot SALE PRICEl Rd, ..., Port PUD FPD - - - - 62 " 1.'f'/7 South Kitsap Invest. Co. 1 403 A ...1 2 L of,./d -*4-7",-, I~.d, 6J /0./. I1h. 7r -- ;.:~ /9.$:{~o 1 tL :,),;< 61.- 19L v,/ 70. ~'" y ~ - /7~~.fL - - 4- hh 22~1'l? 1. 11 n h"A , -5)>-?s- /-f - - - - :J 'I/' ..:7//, :::fI~~ go ~ '103 4- 2- ..a. L II- lv) / Jf J~ /"<~/7 ,;(,'1t.';2/ 7 11. ~. --LL-..Jj'p/j PI: <d fir I 463 ~ .3 ~ L- W. f4~t6'6 717(', 316600 ~"I+"r r,,,hrlnn'",,+ "" ;~ R ) 2crx"\ $3250 - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .~ ,.' ' .. :,' .~. ,.------.. - - ,~ NUMBER OF ACRES V AWA TlONS Ve.r Oyster Tlmbtr Unlmoroved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ImprovementJ B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE to"') S~O ,)'160 le!a. .b..,-y 7,10 :?''-?t''? - Z,} .. -:;'j / '/JJ / Y'~o ~ 7:< / " 3b7~ L/'A' jJ s:- f~() 7~ 11- .sIt, , 3.;25"'0 3..<~6 a 7<1 //\/1," ,. c",IJ()O '/'''''''1''\ . 7/ ~..g?J 0~cl 1?l S,GS 3250 S2..5b 1'1 ? t. </0 ?&4o --/. c ( . 3,;) 50 .3'::> .::.--C) .1 92 5::> '1f>- is''!:, LOT BlK. .. I rl l SEe, TWN. ROE. ~~;t.1tsj lo~ i . *~'" .. ~ " - . .. .. . ....".-.. , .. , .. --..~ ...:::-,~...._.., - " Tract A of Short Plat #440: N 1/2 of Lot 40 in Blk 5 of Trai Is End Div #2 as shown on the plat of Trai Is End Div #2 and Trai Is End Div #1 as corrected and recorded in Vol. 5 of Plats, pg 60. ::--."" ," Except 40-A Blk 5 ...=.:-