HomeMy WebLinkAbout222235105022 Ve.r File No. NANE of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;i. 0 t. SALE PRICE! Rd. Ie., Port PUD FPD A2 ;9/1 'J'N South Kitsap Inv<'!st. Co. /,..1_.. .;,u 1 ,n'l -1L -.l ,2- ~ if_ -7V/7~~Z- ,34 S' 0 Zj 79;;JA ;;l /.L~~ T C"~, ~d/h7'{'"' ,r tL :J"J " " 7/ &?: ) 9" ;i7, ?/'=: , ',<> d/ /-1 ./ ~" .;{ 'Ill:>' A- =< ~ L ~ d- ,-O'-G""'''-~ S' I r.jb3 .it "3 '1 L- 1+ UJ --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~"r'-' -.. ~ "'0.' _ ,~. ",,. _._-.. ., .-.., .,_.r. '" . - . ----, _.........~.~ ..'--~ '. , . - ..- """IIiI NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vur Oyster Timber Unlmpro...ed Impro...ed TOTAL l)yst.r Timber Unimproved Impro...ed Impro....ments B.ofE. (Bulldlnl1l) VALUE b;;;' c::? a c:J c::? aD M -- 2.'5'/( .2."1- b ..;;?.5~ - hi /175 /</75"' JQ.. (; I t~ !^' -~ ;;95cJ d- 9 S-d - M 5,;; tJGJ 5;!tJ6 74 1M- , I/J d/J/J I I'Jd/)/! , , " . 71 /0'100 /o~(J ~ 175.:25 ,- /1~2S" . 79 (!: 0 10 'i co I:;' 7"00 ..i2 , ..)9/"/~- :J 5.<(,/0- . LOT BlK. ~. ,n SEC. TWN. ROE. I" I ~14tam/J2)!frl"l ""\ i , .' . 5. & 23A &: ~~. ._.---~ , .~:-5",", .__.~ Ok',,; ,.~_ .c--:.._",<-~. ~ _- - c, .',..,..... ,.~A__ ~.,-- ~, '> I ' Tract 23A of Block 5: ~ Beg at SE corner of Lot 22; th S 21'" 30'01" W 130.82'; th N 6051+' W 129.87' to NWly corner of Lot 23; th along a 40' radius curve to the left (having a length of curve of 36.20') to NEly corner of Lot 23; th S 58044' 59" E 50' to point of beg. Tract 24A of Block 5: Beg at NE corner of Lot 24; th S 6051+' E 129.871'; th S 21'" 30'01" W 68.11'; th N 61000' W 113.06'; th N 29035'1f7" E: 165.24' to NWly corner of Lot 24 along a 40' radius curve to the left (having a length of curve ~fi 27.90') to the point of beg. A,,:: ~._"'