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Flle Ne. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Pl. 0 t.. SALE PRICE Y.., Rd. .... Port PUD FPD - - f-- - ,,-. &2 191/.>1'1- South K:itSap Invest. Co. 1 01 A 1 2' /6'r~ -:"J f} () ,,/I/. If'" ~ ./ ~? t::UJo. L1. I jq 4",'171.:: !I-r. AU:.,/1 (D .JfP..R'. A7Z:... / :":(0 .L_ ,I ~.::; ... /7J~? - - - - :2.>0 ;,;" ~/4t1// . VLJ., (II~, --zP ~/ ;.J./ iY 7f'- /,1 ?-::It/9?'1 C/ /f) d., [V ;i;d / j/ 78 L 1n .1L 3... ~ L iL IJb //.5"77 //17(., 3 J.;tl to % "j /Ii? tf' -t~J.flILh',/ d J, $0 A:: .II- ~ .7. ""5. , ..:l. '/03 ~ .:L '=- :.5""'<) C6:if 7 %0 ~74Jt?-.3-1 q 4H-t.~ ..(, ;(t" [ , Lk Ii< /)1 /t-">:-'V .1 , <.Joe A 3 .:L L l-\. 11,)>, r- v - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - , . , ,. - ...~..... '~. - -~.- - - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y,ar Oyster Tlmb.r Unlmpro...ed ImDroved TOTAL Oyst.r Tlmb.r Unlmpro...ed Improved Impro....menb B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ~ f',3S' b35 ~? 2:/{ 79tJ 7;?/J "- .J /'I JiL 'ac;1/) /.>7t:J /.j-'9 CJ A / .$'1;(5" 3q;::; <" 2!L 1/)(,' 7'6..,0 7Rt:;t'"J -ZZ- R530 s;..S30 - 1L IJ%/O ":<:2 S''h; -7'o3Z' ?t C '0.- Fs3c ::l.~tJS" 3/07S" i" c?769CJ :1t.37/l S3<1i.o LOT BLK. . " ... -r-:-' .,..'0-.'----- PC. TWN. ROE. ~/~l~lS1 : 'i, TRAILS, , . ..... -- ",".'-c ,. :c, - -- --^---- - . -- - ----~,-.~-_._--_.:...