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V..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ...;2 77 Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE f..? S01lth Kit.RRp T"v~st.. CO. L~..L ":\ ? LG._ ;;;: ~ ~,1. ..1_ .J /,2 --+--' T" iLI1)!",1 t. r -'In ~<f~ a:4 -' 0//~/ j iiI f 403 .iL~6::,"...::CI-l+ \1..1 ;"4 '" > -'. .r. " /IDA+i.b 1!d.cL.~:~) ~ ~1- ____ !izt. 3iftp:J.D7ffE:1:..J..vf9. -~~U\4..- f>!J/5 '139(,.2) (l.f'ff""A ,f(, ,,' ;rr > ~(O) "'- /-.56b ? ~,- ?.. ?.G" Y- ----- ~_ t.~ i.f' ~".t> f----- ----- . y...\ Or.lor ~ ~1. 7~ 22- 7J. 77 .21- 7J &"'v .... NUMBER OF ACRES I TOTAL I VALUATIONS Timber UnlmproVld ImprclVld Oy,t.r Tlmb.r Unimproved lmllrclVld Improvements B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VAL.UE /5'd /Sd - /9c:J /.9c:J - 3$'0 .3$0 /90 /.t>",rtr-J.. ;'arJO ?oon 3{)()O 3tJ/)(J </.5'00 71S"ao .3~(') 0 ~OOO 1:.000 &00 c) , ~)~-:-~/ .~ (;, ;'1 ~" I'M:/ ~,Cl , LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RaE. I ~14l:;'1~~ ",<.";,,.1<.. ~ .~ ..