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y.., Fit. H.. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 15S- SALE I'RICfJ Rd. ~ ~I~l~ 53 479$6 Earl R. &. Dema Ii" Averv 3 09 S 3 4 L ....6.CL I R21 <;<; 11 11 " " 'J/ L :znc; :5 3 '-I L .Ii t .:2..n/;H1 .~ 5-""-",-",, _ c.. ,U;;.;:..:I ' '5?;o" -2.7"'1 - - wi./' 745< r) t:. rrr:. 7L ~ r.,/J ~9f'.5tfJ - ~tJ.fJ t?j (, ]., C.b," :1/-2/16"70 !3J1 ~q53/5 13wdu J1Ct~A</ J iU i/ $; ~ 4/9:<7 60 !/z.J- 3-#7'1 () jJ~u. 'J ll/ Poh.A.. z0V Xl :( *<S"8~ !JOQ ~~I 3!6Ji/-o r /..5.: r;/. il '%7z~o~ [5';...~ /YO/" (~? tjtW</90 sA ;L... 0.-/ ~ ~ 4' U 'I -t?07~7<fL"'t> ~....,,:.iJj-"; ./. " /~~ - -- - - ~ / 1i(XJr") - - - . - - ~:: iF= --~. '. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v.., Oylwr TIMb., U.lmprov.d Imp~'Hld TOTAL -, Timber UnimproVed (IIIprand lmprovlmlnu B.oIE. (Buildings) VALUE S-d S S- M /(J /(J tJ.. ~ /5 I$' & ~ ~~ --_. /~a t:J. 1:!L ).e.Ji1P/o 360 3~iJ 2iL It:) i>Q {/(jdf.(j 9/ .::/000 ,;2000 ~ <f tJN) ;;;. .s-OCJ (" S;-OCJ B.... rtooo Y5'/OO 579/00 -1-- . LOT BLK. I "'lI~I"II~ I:<t.~ _I~ . . '. I SEC. TWN. RaE. TOTT 2N SHORES ACRE ~.R.A ,'."0.. 0?;.': '