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y.., F'II. trW. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /'7 ~ IALE PRICE! Rd, ...., Po" PUD FPD w~e G. ~u""on et ux & V Il - '12 E a L. Tyrer. Trustee IJ " ,:>; .3Q2. S 1'3 ~ &. <;,9 Io',f/'f,-t /?,; /.. fl ""I J/. -+-+ tl)" ~ 7,) f?(t L -:t!l 5 ..2. t.{ L H ~r.. ~ ~(. 55, J.",{, 943 '?"/n j 7"/ .4"_ -r 71s!!:E.. ,1'7' /:/:-:.~~ .CJ;./J ~<tJ ~u Ao R21<;~ It ,,7' - - 4J71 j,b3JS+ ~ JJ) ~ .P:I'/..~ 531''51 ) #";>8j7$ - - - - - , - - - - - - - - " 4a-_~ -- ~'- ... ~ ~ ~ - - ~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y.., Oylt.r TlmlMr UnlmptOv~ ImproY4ld TOTAL Oylt.r TlmlMr Unlmprov~ Improv" Improvernub B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE S-,.7 IS- /-;- S:;. S S- IsrI --- 510 I?5' .'-0 It..:; //0 /cJ CJ .:2/ ~~ I~.;;' //tZ!; ftfc ,f$() I,,~ ...~ /,-st.o #61' /~,&I 1'-0 I.c,. ~/. ~~ ~O /t:Md!P 113 9&1.0 1= 9.:JJi?'J 17<f II'J(()-~h 1:f,'tJti. /)(1", a ~ ,;Ilo~o 6( ~id() ?/ '-/OOD </oot::! ,ILl 41~oo </000 - - LOT BLK. laI6I.O;~1 ~~,A_L.I..,~ SEC. TWN, ~~ TOTTEN SHORES ACP.E TRACTS #1 'r.: "'. -"" ~.. _Il- Int.. ,iJ,}" 'l'rli!?7-58 of Totten Shores 'l'OTT T~S. , -