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,. 56 V..r file No. NAME of. OWNER be b'l '1/'75 30bbb" rl:~ L. .lI P. "-yr1 a p !i"J:} "> "f?'I(}() 0""1'f 31)(; 77!f ZJiUA',-_ ;/;,fl~ :ll?.-tJ.n.&,u v , S.P. Putnam, Trustee .. .,- . NUMBER OF ACRES Vear TImber Unimproved Improved Oyster ,~ I a ,ti 1'1.0 111- ''7~ I 'Iii 11~ 7J '7: , lOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. .... 56 TOTAL CONTRACT TO ~) /t h//J dA 0 DISTRICTS 1 9 / Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD 1 402 S 3 5' L H SALE PRICE ~ '/9.<'1"'" d'/;:<s .~/l/'''' LIf?. I'll -"- ZoOt') ( L ='f?t'71P '7":JO I I Oyster A~l}/.J VA1J"/tJ VALUATIONS I .__.~ ,.-~ limber Improvements I B. of E. (Buildin~5) VALUE Unimproved Improved ..c,I~.o - -' ....,L.._ -~.... ~ t', ,3(J #.f3o 73tJ 1t,3-D l'Dr, 7~o l'"13^ "7 ^'" " pI" 6J :3 ,U /", 02000 /~'o 3~bO 37c:.~ 97'-!ol/_-r'f.7C1 3751) /"';oco 110 7c..,1J .Sf' ~( //,'.":' . > .1- ~,~ /t!fOd "00 TIMB",OT , .'l I ""~1^1/1K~.Q: .1 .~ ".